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ICYMI: Energy dominance and environmental protection go hand in hand

By: Rep. Paul A. Gosar in The Washington Times:

As the Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus and the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, I have a unique insight into many of America’s energy issues.

Since 1993, the bipartisan Western Caucus has been on the front lines of tackling some of the biggest energy issues facing America.

The Western Caucus led the fight against the fundamentally flawed Green New Deal, a socialist manifesto masquerading as a pro-environment proposal seeking to fundamentally transform America.

Besides leading the charge against the Green New Deal, the Caucus and I have also been fighting some of the atrocious bills and ideas being proposed by House Democrats, including spearheading the opposition to Nancy Pelosi’s Paris Climate Agreement bill that would prevent President Trump from withdrawing from this unlawful accord.

When Chairman Raul Grijalva pushed through Rep. Jared Huffman’s bill repealing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas program, we stepped up to the plate to fight it tooth and nail. The local tribe of Kaktovik even derided Mr. Huffman as they have fought for decades to open responsible production in ANWR.

The Western Caucus has sounded the alarm on the importance of including uranium on the United States’ list of critical minerals. Not only is uranium essential to our national security and defense apparatus, it is also integral to our energy security.

Working in tandem with the Trump administration, we have rolled back Obama-era job-killing regulations and continue to work tirelessly to unleash American energy dominance.

Despite all the work we have accomplished, extremists are continuing to undermine these important projects at hearings by inserting political riders into appropriations bills to defund many of these important initiatives.

Fortunately, the Western Caucus has a different vision for America. A vision that doesn’t pick winners and losers and includes a true all-of-the-above energy strategy that embraces wind, solar, nuclear, hydropower, coal, oil and natural gas.

Our vision encourages innovation and less burdensome mandates. We know responsible energy production and protecting our environment are not mutually exclusive goals.

We are experiencing an energy renaissance in this America. It’s a story of freedom, prosperity and opportunity. For the first time in 65 years, the United States is a net exporter of energy. We are no longer dependent on volatile foreign sources produced in Russia and Saudi Arabia, and American homes and vehicles are being powered by American energy.

Recent innovation and technology improvements associated with fracking and horizontal drilling have allowed shale resources previously deemed uneconomical to be developed and are the main reason the U.S. was the world leader in carbon emissions reductions in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

It is such an honor to lead the Western Caucus and represent the people of Arizona’s 4th Congressional District. We will continue to fight day in and day out for American energy dominance, and we will protect our environment along the way.

By: Rep. Paul A. Gosar in The Washington Times