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Gosar claims victory over Fish and Wildlife proposal

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In what is being hailed a victory for Lake Havasu, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it will withdraw its draft recreational boating compatibility determination for the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge.Click here to read

FWS suspends proposal for refuge restrictions

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will suspend its proposal to limit boating activities at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, a decision hailed as a “victory for Lake Havasu” by Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar.Click here to read

Don't allow bad policy in lame duck

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Congress has a long and storied history of cramming through bad policy during the lame duck period while outgoing lawmakers are still around to vote and before newly-elected lawmakers assume office. These periods are often characterized by arm-twisting and backroom deals.Click here to read

House Members Unite to Read Stanford Rape Victims Letter

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Hoping to dramatize the issue of campus sexual assault, 18 members of the House took turns on Wednesday night reading portions of the 7,200-word letter a woman known as Emily Doe wrote to the former Stanford University student who raped her.Click here to read