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Gosar Introduces Legislation to Sue Big Pharma for Vaccine Injuries

Washington, D.C.  -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after introducing H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act, a bill that would strip vaccine manufacturers of their unjust liability shields. This carveout has resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits for Big Pharma while leaving tens of thousands of people without the ability to seek legal justice and compensation for injuries caused by vaccines. 


“Although federal bureaucrats and Big Pharma insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines.  For example, a review of 12,000 scientific papers by the Institute of Medicine published in 2012 found that 98% of injuries studied were either caused by or may have been caused by a vaccine.  Another government study found that while vaccines caused injuries in 10 percent of cases, only one percent get reported, meaning those injured by vaccines are vastly undercounted.


Furthermore, according to the Center for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, nearly 20,000 Americans were reported as having been killed to date by a COVID-19 vaccine, equating to one death for every 14,000 people vaccinated, much higher than the one in a million deaths that is normally cited for dangerous vaccines.


Government bureaucrats and scientists responsible for approving vaccines are in bed with Big Pharma, often owning pharmaceutical stocks, serving as consultants and receiving lucrative contracts from pharmaceutical companies that pressure them to produce favorable results which is in direct violation of federal law.


Worse, many scientists and researchers in government agencies develop patents for vaccines that are approved by the very agencies they work for, creating a conflict of interest and raising serious questions about the impartiality of their decisions.


Under current law, it is nearly impossible to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for injuries caused by vaccines due to a 1986 law that unfairly created a special immunity carveout for Big Pharma, making it very difficult for vaccine-injured victims to win in a court of law. 


My legislation strips away current immunity provisions unfairly shielding Big Pharma from the harms caused by their products and allows those injured by vaccines to pursue a civil lawsuit in state or federal court.  Big Pharma doesn’t deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card for injuries caused by their harmful vaccines,” concluded Congressman Gosar.


Children’s Health Defense Founder and Chairman of the Board on Leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr, said: “The four American vaccine makers are criminal enterprises that have paid tens of billions in criminal penalties over the past decade.  By freeing them from liability for negligence, the 1986 statute removed any incentive for these companies to make safe products.  If we want safe and effective vaccines, we need to end the liability shield.”


Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland added: “Thank you to Congressman Gosar for introducing this historic and urgently needed legislation.  For over 35 years, parents of children injured and killed by government-recommended vaccines have been left with no meaningful redress -- only a complex, sham compensation program that pits grieving families against the government, while Big Pharma enjoys no liability. During that same time, chronic health conditions in children - autism, ADHD, severe allergies, asthma - have skyrocketed. This legislation will help to end Big Pharma’s reign over government. The corrupt public-private partnership of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act has suppressed science, stacked the deck against families, subverted the democratic marketplace of checks and balances, and removed citizens’ rights to a trial by jury. Americans deserve better.”



In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NVCIA), which shields vaccine manufacturers from the harm caused by their products, making it almost impossible for a person injured by a vaccine to win in court.  The plaintiff must prove that the vaccine manufacturer deliberately “[withheld] information relating to the safety or efficacy of the vaccine,” engaged in “criminal or illegal activity relating to the safety and effectiveness of vaccines,” or “by clear and convincing evidence… failed to exercise due care.” Satisfying these requirements is practically an impossibility.   


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are tasked with approving vaccines.  Sadly, there exists a massive conflict of interest, since the scientists who work at these agencies license the patents to vaccine manufacturers and, in so doing, earn up to $150,000 in royalties. Furthermore, voting members on the boards that advise the CDC and the NIH owned stocks in vaccine manufacturers, engaged in contract work for vaccine manufacturers, and received grants from vaccine manufacturers.


Current cosponsors (30)

Representatives Andy Biggs, Lauren Boebert, Josh Brecheen, Tim Burchett, Eric Burlison, Mike Collins, Eli Crane, Warren Davidson, Byron Donalds, Matt Gaetz, Bob Good, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Harriet Hageman, Andy Harris, Clay Higgins, Ronny Jackson, Anna Paulina Luna, Nancy Mace, Thomas Massie, Mary E. Miller, Cory Mills, Barry Moore, Troy E. Nehls, Ralph Norman, Andy Ogles, Bill Posey, Chip Roy, Keith Self, Victoria Spartz, Randy K. Weber Sr.


Outside Group Support: 

American Family Project, Children’s Health Defense, React19