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Gosar Votes to Hold Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress

Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after voting to hold Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in contempt of Congress.  Hunter Biden was served with a lawful subpoena to appear for testimony before Congress on December 13, 2023 but decided he was above the law and chose not to attend as ordered.


“Today, I voted to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for intentionally violating a lawfully issued subpoena last month.  The rule of law applies to everyone, including Joe Biden or his son.  Hunter Biden willfully ignoring lawful subpoenas related to his role in his father's abuse of power and corruption scandal is nothing short of obstruction of justice.


Like court, a congressional subpoena is not a request.  It is not optional.  It is a command, and violating that order carries serious consequences.  Unfortunately, in our two-tiered justice system, I suspect people who are used to getting away with breaking the law would look at this subpoena as just another law they do not have to comply with. 


There is ample and growing evidence connecting Joe Biden to Hunter’s influence peddling and shady business deals.  The American people want and deserve to know the truth.  Rather than thumb his nose to Congress, Hunter Biden must answer questions about his involvement in cashing in on the Biden name.


Hunter Biden’s actions constitute a contempt of Congress and he should be prosecuted similar to the Trump associates, including Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, who were previously found in contempt of Congress by this same Biden Justice Department,” concluded Congressman Paul Gosar.