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Gosar Votes to Terminate Vaccine Mandates for Foreign Travelers

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09) issued the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 185, legislation terminating the outdated and unnecessary requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers.


“In two short years since Mr. Biden took office, six million unvaccinated illegal aliens have walked across our southern border.  Not a single one of these lawbreakers is required to get the COVID-19 shot.  Worse, the Biden administration released tens of thousands of COVID-positive illegal immigrants into our communities with nary a care.  Yet Joe Biden continues requiring tourists visiting our country to be vaccinated prior to their arrival.  The hypocrisy is palpable. 


Joe Biden likes to say that pandemic is over.  And it is.  Life has returned to pre-COVID normalcy.  It makes no sense to block travelers from entering the United States, legally I might add.


I also object to forcing people to get an experimental shot or mandate they wear a mask.  I have said this from the beginning, wear a mask if you want to or get a shot and as many boosters as you want.  However, in no circumstance should any government force people, citizens or visiting tourists to violate their body autonomy with unproven, risky and largely unnecessary actions,” concluded Congressman Gosar.



On April 7, 2022, the CDC issued an order in the Federal Register that prohibited international travelers from entering the United States unless they showed proof of COVID-19 vaccination.  The CDC did this despite a complete lack of evidence that vaccinated tourists were healthier or that unvaccinated tourists posed any marginal risk to the populace.  In the same period, the Biden regime allowed in, with enthusiasm, three million unvaccinated illegal aliens, many infected with COVID-19 and other diseases.   In the first six months of the Biden term, on August 12, 2021, it was reported that “the nation’s former border chief reported today that the Biden administration has placed some 40,000 illegal immigrants infected with the coronavirus into American cities.”  Since that time, hundreds of thousands more infected illegal aliens have been peppered about the country spreading COVID-19 to every town and city they go to.  


Another report found that 18% of the illegal aliens tested positive for COVID-19.  “More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with Joe Biden.  Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S.”