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Congressman Gosar Condemns Covid-19 Mandatory Vaccinations

Washington, September 10, 2021 | Jessica Lycos (202-379-6385)

PRESCOTT, AZ – Representative Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in response to Mr. Biden’s plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for millions of Americans.

“There is no law authorized by Congress, and no Constitutional provision, that conveys the power to the presidency to force any citizen to undergo a medical procedure against their will. 

Mr. Biden’s decision mandating that Americans take a COVID-19 vaccine is illegal, unconstitutional and a deprivation of individual liberty.

The decision to get a vaccine is a private choice best made between an individual and their doctor. There is nothing more anti-science and arbitrary than mandating vaccines, especially for people who have already had COVID-19. No one should be forced to get a vaccine. This is radical government overreach,” concluded Congressman Gosar.