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Gosar Files Response to Jayapal’s Frivolous Complaint

Washington, April 16, 2021 | Jessica Lycos (202-379-6385)

Gosar Files Response to Jayapal’s Frivolous Complaint: “Alleging that I have somehow acted criminally, or against the country I love and protect, is defamatory and reckless. The civil courts will resolve that issue.”

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in response to Representative Pramila Jayapal’s frivolous complaint concerning the events of January 6, 2021:

“Today, I submitted in writing to the House Committee on Ethics my statement in response to the baseless complaint filed by Ms. Jayapal.

On January 6, 2021 I determined to invoke the Electoral Count Act of 1887, and the 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution, to object to the certification of Electors from Arizona.

This is neither calamitous nor unethical.  Indeed, in 2016, Democrat Members of Congress, led by Rep. Jayapal, invoked the same law to object to the certification of the 2016 Presidential election of Donald Trump.

The illegitimacy of Ms. Jayapal’s claims, when she herself called for an objection of President Trump’s certification in January 2017 is duplicitous and tendentious.

I have at all times conducted myself credibly and well within the acceptable norms of Congress.  The assertion that I planned, created, assisted or otherwise participated in the riot on January 6 is malicious and patently false.

Ms. Jayapal is fundamentally wrong.

Her Complaint is frivolous, ill-conceived and defamatory,” concluded Rep. Gosar.

Click HERE to read my full written response to the House Committee on Ethics.