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Congressman Gosar Responds to the Biden Administration's Decision to Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord

WASHINGTON D.C. - In response to the Biden Administration’s announcement it plans to officially rejoin the Paris Agreement, Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04) released the following statement:

“First it was California, now it’s Texas. At a time when Americans have suffered energy blackouts during extreme cold and heat, Biden’s decision to go back into the Paris Agreement is a step in the wrong direction…unless you want more blackouts. The Paris Agreement, which is unenforceable in the United States until it is ratified as a treaty, will continue the failed Obama policies that made this country less energy independent. If you enjoy paying more for less, you will like this agreement.

Under President Trump, the United States lead the world in energy production and carbon reduction, making substantial strides in both areas while simultaneously reducing our dependence on foreign sources of energy.  

It is alarming that Mr. Biden thinks once again we should cede our sovereign authority under this agreement, never considered or ratified by Congress, and driven by radicalized NGOs and nations like China and Russia who have no real goals beyond using these foreign agreements to strengthen their dictatorships.”