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Gosar to Support Wuhan Coronavirus Relief Package

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement in support of the bipartisan Wuhan coronavirus relief package:

"America faces an unprecedented crisis. At no point in our history was our country forced to shut down like this to save American lives. Not during the Civil War. Not during World War II or even after Pearl Harbor. Not during the Cold War, and not in the aftermath of September 11th. This public health crisis has hit every state, every business and every family. 

As a result of a virus that emanated from China and spread throughout the world, and through no fault of their own, many Americans are on the brink of losing their jobs, their homes, or worse. We are facing unprecedented circumstances and they require an unprecedented response. 

Congress must ensure that America comes out of this crisis stronger than ever before by providing fast relief to America's workers, families and businesses. Under normal circumstances I would not support adding $2 trillion to the national debt, especially by extraordinarily lavish funding nonsense like the Kennedy Center, a theater used by the Washington elite and far removed from real Americans. Nor would I support additional funding for leftist propaganda known as NPR, the public radio station that is refusing to air the President's coronavirus press briefings. These are just a few examples of extreme waste that have nothing to do with rescuing America from this health crisis. But because leftist Democrats control the House, the Senate was forced to capitulate to ridiculous and petulant demands.

The only good news is that the Democrats were snubbed in most of their extremely dangerous shenanigans. We have to remain vigilant against Democrat efforts to steal and corrupt our electoral process through “ballot harvesting” and other avenues to voter fraud. Democrats have played petty political games while Americans die from the Wuhan coronavirus; trying to insert funding for Planned Parenthood and the Green New Deal. Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi caved on her extreme demands, and a compromise has been reached before she imploded her party.

The bipartisan relief package is far from perfect, but it will immediately help Arizona's hard-working employees, families, small businesses, and it will provide certainty to our economic future. After reviewing this legislation, I will support its passage. There is far more good in the package for people who desperately need help. I will hold my nose as I vote. 

Together with the sacrifices and patriotism of the American people, we will defeat this invisible enemy. When the dust settles and America comes through this crisis on the other side, I look forward to discussing how we can hold Communist China accountable for their role in unleashing this plague on the world."