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Gosar Strongly Opposes Senate Bill 1625

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement in strong opposition to Senate Bill 1625, a direct attack on federal constitutional rights:

"Twelve radical Democrats in Arizona have introduced shocking legislation, Senate Bill 1625, which would flagrantly violate the Bill of Rights and American civil liberties.

Not only do these extremists seek to disarm citizens, leaving them without the ability to defend their families, themselves, or their property, they also directly attack Arizona jobs and the Arizona economy by seeking to unlawfully ban gun manufacturing in Arizona.

Arizona is home to Sturm, Ruger & Co. in Prescott, HWP Ammo in Payson, and even larger weapons including Raytheon missiles in Tuscon. and many of the finest gun and ammunition stores in the United States. An attack on one weapon manufacturer is an attack on all. 

The radical democrats further seek to create a potentially lethal confrontation between lawful gun owners and law enforcement personnel who would foolishly seek to enforce this law if enacted.  The proposed law states that lawful gun owners must “surrender” their guns—or else law enforcement will go house to house kicking in doors. This is completely unacceptable and creates a dangerous police-state confrontation with citizens.  

I strongly oppose this bill, and any effort to violate our civil liberties and I hope those in Arizona who believe in the Bill of Rights fight against this bill."

Text of SB 1625 can be found HERE.