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Honoring Lake Havasu City's Fallen Combat Veterans

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after the House voted unanimously to pass his bill to renaming a post office in honor of the fallen combat veterans of Lake Havasu City, Arizona:

"America can never truly repay the debt to our fallen men and women in uniform. My hope is that renaming this post office as the "Lake Havasu City Combat Veterans Memorial Post Office" will serve as a reminder to all that our freedom is not free!"

This bill honors the fallen combat veterans from Lake Havasu City, Arizona by renaming the post office located at 1750 McCulloch Boulevard North in Lake Havasu City, as the ‘‘Lake Havasu City Combat Veterans Memorial Post Office Building’’ Six brave men have lost their life defending America from the Lake Havasu City area. Those six men are:

Carey Dean Harmon, who bravely lost his life fighting the Tet Offensive.

Scott Broadston, who valiantly fought in Vietnam and lost his life during a combat assault.

Patrick Tinnell, who was the first from Lake Havasu City to be killed in action during the Global War on Terror.

Anthony Sausto, who lost his life fighting in Baghdad, Iraq.

Dylan Reid, who served in Amarah, Iraq, where he died in 2010.

Carl Hammar, who emigrated to the United States from Sweden and joined the Army while in college. Hammar serviced two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan where he died in combat.

You can read the full text of H.R. 3314 HERE.