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Gosar Supports President Trump's Decision To Withdraw From the Iran Nuclear Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement in response to President Trump’s announcement to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal:

"From the very beginning, I have expressed my strong disapproval of the Iran Deal," said Congressman Gosar. "America went from preventing to encouraging Iran’s nuclear capabilities while scuttling every goal established. 

This deal fails to block Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. It fails to stop the regime’s pursuit of intercontinental ballistic missiles. And it flushes cash into the pockets of the largest state sponsor of global terrorism. These outcomes are the products of a one-sided, defective deal.  

President Trump’s decision to impose crippling sanctions against the Iranian regime is a step in the right direction to halting Iranian activities.  I support President Trump’s work to reverse the problems this fundamentally-flawed "deal" created for the United States and our allies."