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Floor Speech on Health Care Repeal

Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS spoke on the House floor yesterday evening on the importance of repealing the onerous health care law and putting in place real health care reform.

The Honorable Paul Gosar
H.R. 2: Repealing the Job Killing Health Care Law Act
Floor Statement
January 18, 2011

Mr. Speaker, I ask for unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.

America is hurting.  But the health care law passed last year did not fix any problems, it will only make things worse.  Small businesses can barely make ends meet and now the federal government is imposing more mandates, more taxes and more red tape.

Enough is enough. 

As a health care provider, a small business owner, and a father, I know that the way to provide health care to more individuals and create more jobs is not through government bureaucrats, deficit spending and higher taxes.

Rather, we need to empower our businesses, big and small, to band together to purchase health insurance.  We need open markets with free competition.  We also need to implement real health care reform that will lower the cost of care and open up access.  Tort reform.  Red tape reform.  Preexisting condition reform.  These are reforms that will work—reforms the current law failed to adequately address or ignored altogether.

If we are serious about putting our nation back to work, then we can start by repealing the onerous health care law and work hand-in-hand with the American people to implement true health care reform.

Thank you Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
