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Rep. Gosar Calls for Impeachment of Attorney General Eric Holder

PHOENIX, Arizona, - This morning, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to be impeached:

For Immediate Release
Date: June 5, 2014


Contact: Gosar Press Office
Office: (202) 225-2315

PHOENIX, Arizona, - This morning, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to be impeached:

"President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have crossed a line that a Constitutional Republic must not tolerate. This Administration is now facilitating the inhumane smuggling of illegal aliens from Texas to Arizona.

For almost two weeks now, the Administration has been implementing a policy where illegal aliens apprehended in Texas are shipped by plane or bus to Arizona utilizing taxpayer money. Officials from DHS confirmed in a briefing with my staff late yesterday afternoon that at least 7 flights transporting illegal aliens to other states have already occurred at a price of $53,000 per flight.

These illegal aliens are then dumped at Arizona bus stations in 100 degree heat, and in some cases with no food or water. Flooding our streets with illegal aliens who are being abandoned without resources is not just inhumane and cruel, it is a crime and federal law bans alien smuggling. To make matters worse, when this Administration decided to dump these illegal immigrants in Arizona communities, they failed to notify the Arizona Governor's office, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the Arizona Department of Homeland Security of this new policy.

I am further troubled that in yesterday’s briefing on Capitol Hill, DHS officials refused to cite the statutory authority for this new policy and said they would have to get back to inquiring offices on an individual basis. This is the most lawless administration in the history of this great country and Eric Holder should have resigned or been fired a long time ago.

While it is hard to discern which of his previous trespasses are most egregious, this is one scandal for which he cannot retain his job. It starts at the top with Eric Holder and if the chief law enforcement officer of the United States is not going to enforce the laws of this land, then he should be impeached."

Recently, Andy Adame, Special Operations Supervisor for Border Patrol in Arizona, confirmed 400 detained illegal immigrants were shipped to Arizona after being apprehended by the Border Patrol in Texas.

According to DHS officials, illegal immigrants were shipped by plane and bus to Phoenix and Tucson due to lack of manpower to handle the large surge in illegal immigration at the southern Texas border. According to Adame, roughly 1,000 illegal immigrants are apprehended in South Texas each day. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have stated that the illegal aliens being released are not known criminals.

After an initial screening, illegal immigrants are being released under the condition they report to a local ICE office near their final destination within 15 days. Media reports indicate very few illegal aliens are actually returning to finish processing. So far this fiscal year, the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol sector has apprehended more than 140,000 people.

DHS officials also revealed in the briefing yesterday that there are no mechanisms in place by which the federal government shares its National Crime Information Center (NCIC) databases of information relating to criminals with state authorities, yet the feds forbid those very same states from enforcing current immigration laws.

Putting an illegal alien in a car, bus or plane and transporting them to another location is deemed "alien smuggling" and is a crime. See 8 USC § 1324 (a)(1)(A).

On Monday June 2, 2014, Representative Gosar sent a letter to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman and Ranking Member requesting an official investigation into hundreds of detained illegal immigrants being shipped to Arizona. Similar letters were also sent Monday from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, and Arizona State Treasurer Doug Ducey, urging Congress to take action.
