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Statement from Congressman Gosar on Potential Contempt Charges against Attorney General Eric Holder

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (R-AZ) released the following statement today upon reports that Chairman Issa of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, is moving forward with the appropriate steps to pursue contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                    April 27, 2012

CONTACT:                                                                                                    Apryl Marie Fogel


Statement from Congressman Gosar on Potential Contempt Charges against Attorney General Eric Holder

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (R-AZ) released the following statement today upon reports that Chairman Issa of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, is moving forward with the appropriate steps to pursue contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder.

“As the only member from the state of Arizona serving on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the state where the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry occurred, I am pleased to see Chairman Issa moving forward with contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder.  It is long past time for Eric Holder to be held accountable for his failures as the Attorney General. He has evaded requests by the congressional committee for all of the necessary information to understand how Operation Fast and Furious was planned, executed and carried out.  The families of hundreds of victims of violent crimes and murders in the U.S. and Mexico deserve justice and answers.  The constant stonewalling from the Attorney General must end now and contempt charges should be filed.

I have worked with Chairman Issa throughout every step of this process and will continue to do so as we move forward.  While I understand there are proper protocols to be met for a charge of contempt, I strongly advocate that the committee move forward without any further delay. 108 members have signed onto my Resolution of No Confidence in Attorney General Holder (H.Res.490) because, while my home state of Arizona that has been ground zero for this operation, the fact is that without the information being withheld by Attorney General Holder, and this administration, we are all as a nation, in danger from the consequences of Operation Fast and Furious.”
