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Rep. Gosar Votes in Support of AHCA: A Down Payment Towards Market Based Solution

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted in favor of H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which passed the House by a vote of 217-213:

For Immediate Release

Date: May 4, 2017

Contact: Steven D. Smith

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted in favor of H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which passed the House by a vote of 217-213: 

“As a dentist impersonating a politician, I am going to tell Arizonans the truth about the updated version of the AHCA: This bill is NOT a full repeal, I repeat NOT a full repeal of Obamacare. However, after working alongside my colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus, we have been able to secure Conservative, time-tested changes to the original version of the AHCA. These changes will immediately eliminate Obamacare taxes, lower health insurance premiums, offer more choices for Arizonans and begins the process of rebuilding a patient-centered market. 

“Millions of Americans are drowning right now under the tidal wave of Obamacare regulations and mandates that have destroyed our entire healthcare system. The American Health Care Act is a life raft to those suffering and represents a down payment towards a true market-based solution. Additionally, the AHCA preserves protections for all Americans with pre-existing conditions and gives states the control needed to lower premiums, provide increased patient-centered choices and stabilize the insurance market.

“Combined with my bipartisan legislation, the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act, which passed the House by a vote of 416-7, the AHCA takes the necessary first step to rebuilding America’s health insurance market. While I will never stop fighting for a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare, the revised AHCA finally opens the door to free-market solutions that empowers states and individuals to have more control over health care decisions.”   


(Courtesy of the House Republican Conference )
The American Health Care Act (AHCA) as amended delivers relief from Obamacare’s taxes and mandates that have hurt job creators, increased premiums, and limited options for patients and health care providers. It returns control of health care from Washington back to the states and restores the free market so Americans can access quality, affordable health care options that are tailored to their needs. 

Obamacare was based on a one-size-fits-all approach that put bureaucrats in Washington in charge of your health care. The law led to higher costs, fewer choices, and less access to the care people need.

The AHCA will deliver the control and choice individuals and families need to access health care that’s right for them. And provide the freedom and flexibility states, job creators, and health care providers need to deliver quality, affordable health care options.

The MacArthur Amendment keeps our promises of lowering costs and protecting high-risk patients by giving states greater flexibility and more control over local insurance markets.

The MacArthur Amendment provides states the option to apply for waivers from certain federal insurance regulations that increase insurance premiums. This new flexibility will allow states to design insurance frameworks that are right for their unique populations, providing superior care and lowering costs for patients.

Any states that apply for a waiver must attest that its purpose is to reduce the cost of health care or increase the number of people with health care coverage.

The amendment’s limited waiver for health rating requires states to set up a program for high-risk individuals or premium stabilization, or to participate in the federal invisible risk-sharing program. No state may obtain a waiver for health status unless it has taken these efforts to protect those who might be affected. In states with a waiver, individuals who maintain continuous coverage could not be rated based on health status.

(Courtesy of Congressman Gosar)
The full text of the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2017 can be found HERE.

The Congressman’s legislation is endorsed by: American Dental Association, American Optometric Association and American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

The White House has released an official statement in support of The Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act HERE.

The Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2017 amends a section of the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945, which exempted the insurance industry from the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act – acts that have the purpose of ensuring fair competition.  This broad exemption was intended to assist newly established insurance companies set sustainable premiums by permitting data sharing between insurance companies. These antiquated exemptions are no longer necessary. There is no reason in law, policy, or logic for the insurance industry to have special exemptions that are different from all other businesses in the United States.

Repeal of the specific sections of the McCarran-Ferguson Act which apply to health insurance has bipartisan support. A form of this legislation passed the Democratic-controlled House during the 111th Congress 406 - 19 (Roll no. 64) and passed the Republican-led House in the 112th Congress by a voice vote.
