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Rep. Gosar Blasts Obama’s Expansion of Amnesty Program that Flies Unlawful Immigrants to America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after the U.S. Department of State (State Department) announced plans to expand the Central American Minors (CAM) program which uses taxpayer dollars to fly unlawful immigrants from Central American countries to the United States:

For Immediate Release

Date: July 27, 2016

Contact: Steven D. Smith

Today, Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after the U.S. Department of State (State Department) announced plans to expand the Central American Minors (CAM) program which uses taxpayer dollars to fly unlawful immigrants from Central American countries to the United States:

“Rather than securing the border, the president continues to pour gasoline on our immigration crisis by making it easier for unlawful immigrants to enter the country. The Obama Administration admitted it has no clue how many unlawful immigrants from Central American countries will be flown into America as a result of expanding this unconstitutional amnesty program. This action blatantly violates federally mandated immigration caps as well as Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

“The Obama Administration has tried to hide the truth about the CAM program from the American people since its inception. It has stonewalled Congressional inquiries after Americans were outraged to learn that their tax dollars were being used to fly unlawful immigrants from Central America to the United States. This expansion will allow any family member and virtually anyone claiming to be a ‘caregiver’ of an unlawful immigrant minor to receive amnesty and eventually U.S. citizenship.

“President Obama’s amnesty continues to undermine our national security and put the safety of the American people at risk. This obsession to erase our southern border is just another example of the president’s utter contempt for the Rule of Law and American sovereignty. Congress has never authorized or appropriated one penny for the CAM program. I call on House leadership to take action and terminate this unconstitutional program by passing the Central American Amnesty Termination Act.” 


Under the CAM program, the Obama Administration allows unlawful immigrants from three Central American countries to fly to the United States and be admitted into the United States. The CAM program provides cash, loans for flights, reimbursements for DNA testing, as well as medical assistance to participants in the program. CAM participants can obtain a green card within one year of receiving “refugee” status, gain citizenship after five years and are immediately eligible for taxpayer-funded benefits like Obamacare.

On July 26, 2016, the Obama Administration expanded the CAM program to allow entire Central American families and anyone claiming to be a “caregiver” to be admitted to the U.S through this unconstitutional amnesty program.  

On April 29, 2016, Congressman Gosar introduced H.R. 5141, the Central American Amnesty Termination Act, which terminates funding for the Obama Administration’s unconstitutional Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program and any successor programs. The CAM program promotes lawlessness and incentivizes further illegal immigration. The full text of H.R. 5141 can be found HERE.

In March 2016, Congressman Gosar spearheaded an appropriations rider, supported by 20 members, calling on the House to defund the unconstitutional CAM program. To read more click HERE.    

The State Department reports that the CAM program has received applicants from more than 9,500 unlawful aliens, admitted 267 Central American alien minors and approved applications for another 2,880 unlawful immigrants. Furthermore, at least 16 parents who completed an Affidavit of Relationship under the CAM program were Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported that more than 40,000 unlawful immigrant minors have been apprehended at the southwest border in fiscal year 2016 alone, a 62 percent increase from last year.

The Associated Press obtained information through a Freedom of Information Act request which revealed that, of the 71,000 unaccompanied alien minors placed with sponsors in the United States from February 2014 to September 2015, most of whom were from Central America, 80 percent were placed with other illegal aliens living in the United States.

The Central American Amnesty Termination Act is endorsed by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA.

H.R. 5141 currently has 21 cosponsors including: Representatives Brian Babin, Lou Barletta, Diane Black, Dave Brat, Mo Brooks, Scott DesJarlais, Jeff Duncan, Louie Gohmert, Glenn Grothman, Tim Huelskamp, Walter Jones, Steve King, Kenny Marchant, John Mica Steve Palazzo, Mike Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, Matt Salmon, Austin Scott, Pete Sessions and Randy Weber.
