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More Secrecy from Obama Administration on Central American Amnesty Flight Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after waiting more than 6 months for a pathetic response from the Obama Administration to pointed legal questions from 38 members of Congress including Congressman Gosar about the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which uses taxpayer dollars to fly illegal immigrants from Central American Countries to the U.S. for the purposes of providing an “orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some... are currently taking to the United States”:

For Immediate Release

Date: November 3, 2015

Contact: Steven D. Smith

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after waiting more than 6 months for a pathetic response from the Obama Administration to pointed legal questions from 38 members of Congress including Congressman Gosar about the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which uses taxpayer dollars to fly illegal immigrants from Central American Countries to the U.S. for the purposes of providing an “orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some... are currently taking to the United States”:

“It is outrageous for the self-proclaimed ‘most transparent administration in history’ to take over half a year to provide a pathetic response to questions about the status of a potentially unconstitutional program. The fact is the Obama Administration has established a shameful  record of stonewalling Congressional inquiries while attempting to hide the truth behind its executive amnesty attempts. Fortunately, a federal judge has issued an injunction on the president’s executive action which granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Shockingly, a recently leaked DHS memorandum reveals that the Obama Administration is preparing to circumvent this injunction.

“The Department of Homeland Security is still moving forward with its Central American amnesty flight program, despite demands from nearly 40 members of Congress to cease operations.  Even more outrageous, the administration failed to respond to detailed questions about the status and costs of this new program.  President Obama previously used executive fiat to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. Now he is sending planes to go and pick up their family members in Central American countries and won’t tell us how much these flights are costing American taxpayers. This is outrageous and Congress must take action to block this rogue program.”


On April 27, 2015 Congressman Gosar led an effort supported by 37 of his House colleagues calling on President Obama to immediately terminate the Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program and asking pointed questions about its costs and operations. The full text of Congressman Gosar’s letter calling on President Obama to end this amnesty program can be found HERE.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services finally responded to Congressman Gosar’s letter on October 30, 2015. Their response can be found HERE.

In the response that took more than 6 months, the Obama Administration failed to answer more than a dozen questions from Members of Congress including: 

∙An explanation as to the evolution of the CAM program including any and all potential updates to the CAM program that are currently being considered.
∙How many total applications for the CAM program have been received to date? 
∙How many individuals have entered the United States as a result of the CAM program to date? 
∙Please further define what “help with travel plans” entails and an estimated cost of these expenditures over the life of the CAM program. 
∙For the loans for their travel to the U.S., what percentage of these loans will be required to be repaid and what is the maximum loan to each individual? 
∙State Department spokesperson Marie Harf  recently responded during a press briefing that she did not know the price tag, but she “was happy to look” into these expenditures. What is the estimated cost to U.S. taxpayers from the new CAM program? 
∙DHS’ website states that after arriving, illegal immigrants participating in this program “will be eligible for medical and cash assistance.” What is the estimated total cost of cash assistance for refugees over the life of the CAM program? 
∙What is the estimated total cost of the medical benefits for refugees over the life of the CAM program?
∙DHS’ website also indicates there is “no fee to apply for refugee status.” and that the information provided “will not be shared with your home country.”  Why is there not a fee? 
∙Why not share some relevant information with the country of origin to confirm important information about these potential CAM participants?
∙DHS’ website states, “There is no fee to participate in this refugee/parole program and it is prohibited for anyone to charge a fee for completion of the form.” 
∙What statutory authority, Presidential executive order or memo from the Office of the Secretary allows for this type of discrimination and prohibits charging a fee for completion of the form for the select qualifying individuals?
∙How many applicants are eligible and have applied for the CAM program as a result of an associated relative receiving deferred action from either the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent residents (DAPA) program?

The Obama Administration has been taking applications for an amnesty program since December 1, 2014 that will fly illegal immigrants from Central American Countries to the U.S. for the purposes of providing an “orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some... are currently taking to the United States.”

The Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program requires parolees to pay for their flights and medical care but will provide cash, loans, as well as help with travel and medical assistance to refugees participating in the program at taxpayer expense. Media reports further indicate that parolees participating in the program could include felons and immigrants that were previously deported.

Shockingly, DHS’ website states, "There is no fee to participate in this refugee/parole program and it is prohibited for anyone to charge a fee for completion of the form." Worse yet, an agency official indicated in a hearing in April of this year that some CAM program participants are eligible because they have a family member living in the U.S. who was one of the beneficiaries of President Obama’s previous deferred action amnesty executive orders.

The 37 members of the House  who joined Congressman Gosar in calling for termination of the CAM program and asking detailed questions about the program’s operations include: Representatives Brian Babin, Lou Barletta, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Rod Blum, Charles Boustany, Jim Bridenstine, Mo Brooks, Doug Collins, Mike Conaway, Scott DesJarlais, Jeff Duncan, John Duncan, Bill Flores, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Tim Huelskamp, Lynn Jenkins, Sam Johnson, Walter Jones, Steve King, Doug LaMalfa, Doug Lamborn, Cynthia Lummis, Kenny Marchant, John Mica, Pete Olson, Steve Palazzo, Scott Perry, Mike Rogers, Matt Salmon, David Schweikert, Pete Sessions, Lamar Smith, Randy Weber and Ted Yoho.

The effort to terminate this program has also received the support of NumbersUSA, Eagle Forum and the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
