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Congressman Gosar Champions Language to Protect Arizona Economy

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) announced that two provisions, which are important to the Arizona economy, were included in legislation which passed the House today. The Grand Canyon Tourism Jobs Protection Act of 2012 (HR 4198) and Congressional Designation of the Interstate 11 corridor were included in MAP-21 (H.R.4348).

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                          June 29, 2012

CONTACT:                                                 Apryl Marie Fogel


                  Congressman Gosar Champions Language to  Protect Arizona Economy

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (R-AZ) announced that two provisions, which are important to the Arizona economy, were included in legislation which passed the House today.  The Grand Canyon Tourism Jobs Protection Act of 2012 (HR 4198) and Congressional Designation of the Interstate 11 corridor were included in MAP-21 (H.R.4348).

Congressman Gosar said, “The people of Arizona are counting on me to protect jobs and our local economy by getting the government out of the way.  The passage of my bill, the Grand Canyon Tourism Jobs Protection Act, delivers on that promise.  The Obama Administration’s misguided regulations were an unwarranted assault on an industry that was already taking precautions to protect the Grand Canyon experience for park visitors.  I am pleased to end the war on those rural Arizona jobs.”

The National Park Service’s onerous air tour regulations would have decimated the tribal and overflight tourism industry, an industry that employs over 1,250 people and generates millions of dollars of economic activity in Northern Arizona and Nevada.  According to an independent economic analysis, the plan would have killed hundreds of tourism jobs and caused operators to lose approximately $18 million in the first year alone.  Gosar’s language ensures all visitors will have the ability to view the park by air, but in a manner that maintains “natural quiet” for those visiting the Canyon by foot.

Congressman Gosar continued “The development of the I-11 corridor will be an economic boon for our state, fostering economic development and tourism.  The Arizona and Nevada Congressional Delegations worked hand in hand to ensure this designation moved forward.” 

While an exact alignment for I-11 will be determined through extensive engineering and environmental studies, the work beginning this summer will examine a connection between Phoenix and Las Vegas. Such a corridor through western Arizona would provide a new connection for communities and spur interstate commerce and economic development. Phoenix and Las Vegas are the largest cities in the nation not linked by an interstate highway corridor. 

The Congressman acknowledged that good language was included in the transportation bill however noted that more of the same is not going to solve our current financial crisis. By attaching non-transportation government spending to the final package, Congress is continuing to the status quo culture of D.C.

Congressman Gosar said, “We can do better.  We must do better.  While I am pleased important Arizona job creating provisions were included in the bill, I was disappointed with the overall package.  Student loan and flood insurance spending has no business being part of a transportation bill.  The national debt is the most pressing issue facing our nation, and I simply could not vote for this package of spending that would drive our country further into debt.