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Another Day, Another ObamaCare Delay

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced a unilateral second delay of ObamaCare's employer mandate, which now will not be fully implemented for mid-size businesses until 2016:

For Immediate Release
February 10, 2014


Contact: Garrett Hawkins

Another Day, Another ObamaCare Delay
'It's a tragedy that our President has become lawless'

 Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced a unilateral second delay of ObamaCare's employer mandate, which now will not be fully implemented for mid-size businesses until 2016:  

“President Obama has established a pattern of ignoring his constitutionally mandated duty to faithfully execute the law. While I welcome a delay of ObamaCare’s disastrous effects - especially a permanent delay in the form of a patient-centered, free-market replacement - the Constitution does not allow the President to pick and choose which part of the law to enforce and implement. It's a tragedy that our President has become lawless; the actions of the Executive Branch are dictatorial.

“Today’s announcement is further proof that this fundamentally flawed law is not viable. I’m deeply disturbed that the President decided to allow this unilateral delay for mid-size businesses while remaining steadfast in his opposition to doing the same thing for individual Americans who have had their plans cancelled and seen their premiums skyrocket. The President and Harry Reid shut down the government in October after I and other Republicans sought a delay for individuals through the proper legislative channels. It’s time for the Administration to stop picking winners and losers and either enforce the law on the books or repeal and replace ObamaCare outright.”

Perhaps the most important role of the President is defined in Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, which states that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

In addition to the most recent ObamaCare employer mandate delay, President Obama has repeatedly ignored his constitutional duty, including:

  • A one-year extension of the “substandard” insurance policies. 
  • A previous one-year delay in ObamaCare’s employer mandate.
  • Granting deferred removal action to illegal immigrants.
  • Waiving the welfare work requirement under TANF.

As a result of these transgressions, Rep. Gosar co-sponsorsed the Stop This Overreaching Presidency (STOP) Resolution (H. Res. 442), a resolution that would direct the House to institute legal action to require the President to comply with the law.

Additionally, after President Obama's State of the Union Address, in which he once again threatened to ignore the constitutional separation of powers and act unilaterally, Reps. Gosar, Salmon (AZ-05) and Franks (AZ-08), sent a letter to the President reminding him of his constitutional duties. In the letter, they told the President that "you are not free to enact your own legislative agenda and policy goals by executive fiat."
