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14 Ways to Re-open the Rest of the Government NOW

The House of Representatives passed 14 bills with bipartisan support over the last 10 days to fund critical functions of the government, many of which are a matter of life and death.

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2013


Contact: Apryl Marie Fogel

14 Ways to Re-open the Rest of the Government NOW  

 The House of Representatives passed 14 bills with bipartisan support over the last 10 days to fund critical functions of the government, many of which are a matter of life and death. Yet, Senate Majority Leader Reid and President Obama still refuse to take up most of these funding bills. Below is a list of the funding bills the House has passed, all of which in favor Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted:

  • 25 Democrats voted with Republicans to fund pediatric cancer research. (October 2)
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to reopen national parks, memorials, and monuments. (October 2)
  • 35 Democrats voted with Republicans honoring our promise to give veterans the benefits they earned. (October 3)
  • 36 Democrats voted with Republicans to pay our National Guard and Army Reserve personnel. (October 3)
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to make sure funds are available to provide disaster relief. (October 4)
  • 22 Democrats voted with Republicans to provide critical benefits for low-income women and children. (October 4)
  • 189 Democrats voted with Republicans to provide backpay for furloughed federal employees. (October 5)
  • 20 Democrats voted with Republicans to ensure the food and medicine supply meets safety standards. (October 7)
  • 194 Democrats voted with Republicans to immediately pay essential federal employees. (October 8)
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to reopen Head Start programs. (October 8)
  • 197 Democrats voted with Republicans to provide death gratuities and related survivor benfits of deceased military service members. (October 9)
  • 23 Democrats voted with Republicans to ensure air traffic safety. (October 9)
  • 21 Democrats voted with Republicans to keep America safe. (October 10)
  • 21 Democrats voted with Republicans to fund America's national security. (October 11)

In response to President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid's failure to fund these functions of government, Rep. Gosar said, "President Obama and the Senate Democrats' are telling the American people it is 'my way or the highway.' That is not how a representative democracy works. I am completely baffled that the Senate won't take up House-passed bills that provide funding for pediatric cancer research, the national guard and low-income women and children. This is not what the American people want. They want the President and Congress to come to the table and find solutions to end this slowdown.

Rep. Gosar concluded, "I will continue to vote in favor of funding bills for the entire government and ask the President and the Senate to come to the table and end this government slowdown."
