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Rep. Gosar: REINS Act Reclaims Responsibilities from Bureaucrats

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted for the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require Congress to approve any rule or regulation with an economic impact of $100 million or more, before it can be implemented.

For Immediate Release
August 2, 2013


Contact: Orlando Watson

  Rep. Gosar: REINS Act Reclaims Responsibilities from Bureaucrats  

Today, U.S. Congressman Paul  Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted for the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require Congress to approve any rule or regulation with an economic impact of $50 million or more, before it can be implemented. After the legislation passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 232-183, Rep. Gosar issued the following statement:

“The overreach and abuse committed by President Obama’s Executive Branch, demands that Congress reassert itself as the people’s voice and reclaim its legislative responsibilities from overzealous, job-crushing bureaucrats. Legislative responsibilities cannot and must not be ceded to unelected bureaucrats. I am proud to have co-sponsored and voted for this critical piece of legislation, which will help restore our system of checks and balances.”