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Rep. Gosar: Holder's Alibi Shows He's Lying or Useless (Newsmax 10/13)

Attorney General Eric Holder should lose his job because his own statements on the Fast and Furious scandal show that he is either a liar or a failure, Rep. Paul Gosar tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview. “He needs to resign,” the Arizona Republican said. “I don’t see there is a way here that facilitates good, conscientious oversight at the Department of Justice.“If he had no oversight and he knew nothing about this, he was incompetent. If he knew about this, then he was lying — and that’s perjury.”… Gosar, a member of the House Oversight Committee, was speaking within hours of subpoenas being issued by committee Chairman Darrell Issa requiring reams of internal documents that should show what Holder knew about the Mexican gunrunning scheme

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