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The Republican Replacement

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The RSC’s legislation is similar to Price’s proposal, and contains many ideas that conservatives will find familiar. At less than 200 pages in length, it is considerably more digestible than Obamacare, a 2,700-page piece of legislation that’s now become a 7-foot-3-inch tower of red tape. Click here to read

Cuomos Medicaid Changes Are at Washingtons Mercy

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Depending on who is doing the talking these days, New York State is either a national model of how to curb Medicaid spending, or the nation’s prime example of Medicaid abuse...Representative Paul A. Gosar, who presided over the recent hearing as vice chairman of the oversight panel’s health subcommittee, called the payments “another brazen example of government…

Arizona lawmakers question health pact

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Seven members of Arizona's congressional delegation have demanded the Department of Defense answer questions about its decision to select UnitedHealth Group over a Phoenix-based company for a lucrative military health-care contract.Click here to read

The consensus from my constituents: Cut spending

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When I am back in Arizona’s First Congressional District I make a point to hold in-person town halls and office hours. During the two weeks of April Recess I had many opportunities to speak with individuals, groups and at town hall meetings to discuss the issues that concern them and how actions here in Washington are affecting them on Main Street. I would like to highlight a town…