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Government Oversight and Regulatory Reform

Rep. Paul Gosar Introduces Fiscal Responsibility in Federal Contracting Act

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Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (AZ-04) introduced the Responsibility in Federal Contracting Act, H.R. 448. This legislation requires the Bureau of Labor Statistics, rather than the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD), calculate accurate wage requirements and conduct surveys using valid statistical methods. Click here to read

Gosar calls for Fed audit

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U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S (R - AZ), formerly of District 1, announced his original co-sponsorship of H.R. 24, the Audit the Fed legislation originally authored and championed by former Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX). “We must demand a full audit, so that the American people can find out what the Fed is doing to our dollars and our economy. I will continue to fight on the…

U.S. House corrects survey error

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The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Wednesday to correct a decades-old surveying error that put part of some people's homes inside the boundaries of the Coconino National Forest. Under the bill, the government would sell 2.67 acres of the forest for $20,000 to owners of 26 homes in Mountainaire, parts of which were located on federal land after a 1960 government surveying error that…

Bachman Pushes For No Confidence Vote on Holder

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"I recently had a post on Big Government that addressed the fact that number of Reps calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation had reached 109, while support for Congressman Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) “No Confidence” resolution, House Resolution 490, was nearing 100 Reps. Well, thanks to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), that post is old…

Backlash Erupts Against Holder After House Committee Appearance

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If Attorney General Eric Holder thought his Feb. 2 testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform would cool everyone’s jets about Operation Fast and Furious, he was as wrong as the operation, itself...Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar unloaded in this morning’s Arizona Republic, not so much against Holder, but against now-former Assistant U.S. Attorney…

House lawmakers accuse Holder of obstructing Fast and Furious probe

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House members accused Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday of stonewalling their probe of Operation Fast and Furious, and threatened him with contempt unless the Justice Department hands over thousands more documents…“You can’t just slap somebody’s hand on this and say don’t do this again,” said Rep. Gosar, R-Flagstaff, a member of the committee.…