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Committee grills Defense, Homeland Security on border security

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Tags: Defense

Pentagon and Homeland Security officials assured a House subcommittee Tuesday that they can continue border security despite a reduction in the National Guard from 1,200 to 300 soldiers, who will focus on support for aerial border surveillance. That drew skeptical questioning from Arizona Reps. Ben Quayle, R-Phoenix, and Paul Gosar, R-Flagstaff, who accused the agencies of a lack of…

Backlash Erupts Against Holder After House Committee Appearance

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If Attorney General Eric Holder thought his Feb. 2 testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform would cool everyone’s jets about Operation Fast and Furious, he was as wrong as the operation, itself...Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar unloaded in this morning’s Arizona Republic, not so much against Holder, but against now-former Assistant U.S. Attorney…

House lawmakers accuse Holder of obstructing Fast and Furious probe

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House members accused Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday of stonewalling their probe of Operation Fast and Furious, and threatened him with contempt unless the Justice Department hands over thousands more documents…“You can’t just slap somebody’s hand on this and say don’t do this again,” said Rep. Gosar, R-Flagstaff, a member of the committee.…

Congressman trumps Holders race card, asks if Mexican gun-walking deaths were racially motivated

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Tags: Defense

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar told The Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder’s race-card play to attack his critics is “absolutely horrendous.” But Gosar said he thinks race may have played a role in the Department of Justice’s execution of Operation Fast and Furious — but in a different way from how Holder is framing it. “He [Holder]…

73 lawmakers sign House resolution of no confidence against AG Holder [Update 84 lawmakers]

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Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s office announced on Thursday morning that it has 75 cosponsors on its House of Representatives resolution of “no confidence” in Attorney General Eric Holder’s ability to serve. Between the 59 congressmen demanding that Holder resign and those who have signed onto Gosar’s resolution, there are now a total of 85 members of…