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Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Payson Roundup Op-Ed: Arizonas Outdoors Provides Many Benefits

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Skim the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s weekly fishing report and you can see — spring is here and fishing is back. This is great news for anglers. But it is also good news for our economy, and underscores the importance of common-sense policies and public-private partnerships that sustain public lands and provide opportunities for sportsmen and all of us to access and enjoy the outdoors.

Washington Times Op-Ed: Wasting American dollars on hostile countries

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Wasting American dollars on hostile countries By Rep. Paul Gosar  By what measure does our foreign aid policy make common sense?   Not everyone in Congress agrees on the role of foreign aid. Some think it should act as charity, while others seek to use it as a tool to further our interests abroad.   One thing I think we should all agree on is this: American…

Arizona Farming: New Taxes May Hit Farmers and Ranchers Hardest

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Arizona Farming: New Taxes May Hit Farmers and Ranchers Hardest By Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S The Obama administration’s tax policies have been an attack on farm and ranch families. The tax and spenders fail to understand that taxes punish the very things we want more of: productive work, risk-taking and success. In essence, this administration wants to see less…

Huffington Post Op-Ed: A Rising Economic Tide Lifts All Boats

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Since declaring "war" on poverty in the mid-1960s, taxpayers have spent $15 trillion, yet the number of Americans on food stamps and other programs have increased and today close to 50 million Americans live below the federal poverty line.

Arizona Farming: New Taxes May Hit Farmers and Ranchers Hardest

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Arizona Farming: New Taxes May Hit Farmers and Ranchers Hardest By Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S The Obama administration’s tax policies have been an attack on farm and ranch families. The tax and spenders fail to understand that taxes punish the very things we want more of: productive work, risk-taking and success. In essence, this administration wants to see less…

Presidential Gun Ban: Executive Power or Unconstitutional Power Grab

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January 10, 2013 Contact: Orlando By Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S., (R-AZ)   "Presidential Gun Ban: Executive Power or Unconstitutional Power Grab" Over the last few years there has been a growing concern about the President's questionable expansion of executive powers.  As a nation of laws, public officials are sworn…

Gosar: Going over 'fiscal cliff' is the right medicine

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

If you are both concerned and confused about the "fiscal cliff" and looming tax increases on hardworking families, I don't blame you. Let me clarify a few things. President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats believe that hard work and success should be punished by additional taxes.