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Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Fair Isnt Fair

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Fair Isn’t Fair  Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S November 5, 2015 Patrick Henry—an ardent supporter of a smaller, local government—once said, “I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” Something tells me that he would not utter such a statement were he alive in 2014. Henry and many other Founding Fathers are likely…

Iran Deal Will Ensure War in Middle East

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Iran “Deal” Will Ensure War in Middle East Rep. Paul Gosar September 15, 2015 Published in the Prescott Daily Courier Twice over the past month, a very small group of pacifists have called on my office in Prescott to decry war with Iran. The goal of these activists is for me and other members of Congress to support the deal President Obama has reached with the rogue…

What if there were no Mexican gray wolves in Arizona?

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Paul Gosar, Defenders of Wildlife debate the impact of the Mexican gray wolf in Arizona July 4, 2015 Published in the Arizona Republic What would happen if there were no Mexican grey wolves in Arizona? The Arizona Republic asked Representative Paul Gosar, who has introduced a bill to strip Mexican gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections, and Eva Sargent, Defenders of…

Don't Blame GOP: Dems Want DHS Shutdown

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Don't Blame GOP: Dems Want DHS Shutdown By: Rep. Paul Gosar Feb. 24, 2015 Published in the Arizona Republic Last week, federal judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction barring President Obama and his administration from implementing “any and all aspects or phases of” their November 2014 amnesty order. The president initially said he was going to comply with the…

Protecting Private Property Rights, The Facts of My Water Rights Settlement Bill

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Protecting Private Property Rights, The Facts of My Water Rights Settlement Bill Paul Gosar  December 16, 2014 One of the most important, fundamental principles upon which America was founded was the protection of private property rights. The Founding Fathers of our nation believed the right to acquire property was one of the utmost liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, and…

Downwinders' mistreatment must be fixed

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During the 1950s and early 1960s, the United States government conducted nearly 200 nuclear weapons tests over Nevada. Ionized radiation from these tests, following the prevailing wind patterns, was blown over much of northern Arizona.

Don't let our tax dollars go for weed

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

  By PAUL GOSAR Special to the Courier A Fox31 Denver investigation recently revealed that thousands of dollars have been pulled out of ATMs in Colorado using Electronic Benefit Transfer cards - used for accessing welfare benefits - to purchase marijuana. Federal welfare programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy…

How Congress can eliminate government waste

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Last December, John Beale, a former Environmental Protection Agency senior policy adviser, was sentenced to 32 months in prison for scamming hardworking taxpayers out of nearly $1 million.

A small government approach

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As we ring in the New Year, we also welcome the second half of the 113th Congress. With this New Year comes my renewed focus on doing what I can to strengthen our state and our nation.