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Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Why I opposed the American Health Care Act

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Click HERE to read the op-ed originally published by the Prescott Daily Courier.  Last week, the debate over the American Health Care Act dominated the news cycle. There was and remains a lot of misinformation surrounding this legislation, the worst being its claim to “repeal and replace Obamacare,” and I want to take a moment to cut through the noise and give you this…

Donald Trumps EPA pick will help make the West great again

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Click HERE to read the orginal.  It should come as no surprise that President Trump won a majority of Western states not only in the primary election but also in the general election. These victories were because he recognized that an overreaching federal government had abandoned Western…

Arizonans Agree...No New National Monument

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Arizonans Agree: No New National Monument The Hill By: Congressman Paul Gosar November 18, 2016 During President Obama’s two terms in office, we have undoubtedly witnessed the rise of the greatest threat to our Republic: the unprecedented abuse of Executive overreach. The…

Doing more with less at the nation's refuges

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Most Arizonan’s would likely agree that our national wildlife refuges are important and necessary. Preserving native wildlife is a tradition older than the state of Arizona itself. However, most Arizonans would also agree that the Department of Veterans Affairs is important too. Same thing for Border Patrol, Medicare and our military. All of these government services require tax…

Why Is A Six-Year-Old Boy Influencing Obamas Refugee Policy?

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Millions of people have watched the Facebook video posted by the White House of a six-year-old boy, named Alex, from Scarsdale, New York, requesting to help give a home to a Syrian refugee. “Alex told me that he wanted Omran to come live with him and his family. He wanted to share his bike, and teach him how to ride. He said his little sister would collect butterflies for…

Dont Allow Bad Policy in Lame Duck

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Don't allow bad policy in lame duck By: Congressman Paul Gosar June 17, 2016 Published in the Washington Examiner Back in 1932, Will Rogers famously described the lame duck period in Congress to the New York Times: “It’s like where some fellows worked for you and their work wasn’t satisfactory and you let ’em out,…

The Government Wants to Join You in Bed the Tanning Bed

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Paul Gosar Member of Congress March 17, 2016 Published on Breitbart News We’ve been watching for some time how one federal agency or another wants to take away your freedom of choice. Usually your freedom is taken from you under the guise of “public safety,” but in reality most of the time it is simply someone who wants to stick their nose in your business because…

Ending Instant Amnesty for Cubans

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Ending Instant Amnesty for Cubans By: Rep. Paul Gosar February 12, 2016  Published in Conservative Review  As a Congressman representing the state of Arizona, I am never surprised that illegal immigration is the hottest topic of discussion at my town halls meetings.…

Why Im Voting Against Massive Omnibus Spending Bill

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Paul Gosar U.S. Congressman December 17, 2015 Once again I find myself shaking my head at the wasteful spending in DC and a flawed process that drops thousands of pages of text on us with 48 hours to “read” and understand. I wish I could put all the blame on big spending Democrats, liberals who seek to bankrupt our nation and others who are ignorant of the fiscal crisis…

Stop HUDs Takeover of Local Zoning

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Stop HUD’s Takeover of Local Zoning by ROBERT ASTORINO AND REP. PAUL GOSAR December 7, 2015 Published in Breitbart News The founders of our nation understood that successful governance in a democracy depends on the consent of the governed. In return for the people’s consent, they set limits on government, divided authority, and established checks and balances to…