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Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar: C.C. Cragin Dam: An Example of How to Make Government Work Together

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

The federal government employs over 2.1 million civilian employees. There are hundreds of agencies, and within each agency, there are divisions, departments and sub-groups. Sometimes, especially with respect to land management, more than one agency has jurisdiction and when that occurs, bureaucratic disputes arise and government no longer serves the people ...

Weekly Column: The Path to Prosperity

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

The debate in Washington and around the country is heated. Most can agree that the Federal Government has a spending problem, but there are many different ideas on how that problem can be fixed ...

"My View on Spending Cuts"

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Apr 8, 2011 Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar “My View on Spending Cuts” By, Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-01) 714 Words Since my first day in office, the House of Representatives has been debating ways to cut the federal government’s massive spending problem.  I have voted repeatedly for bills that cut wasteful programs and unnecessary spending.  …

Radio Appearance on "Hear & Now" on 91.5 KJJZ

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Here & Now talks to Paul Gosar, a Republican who represents Arizona's 1st Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, about why he supports the House's repeal of health care reform.

Floor Speech on Health Care Repeal

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS spoke on the House floor yesterday evening on the importance of repealing the onerous health care law and putting in place real health care reform.