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Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Weekly Column: We Need A Balanced Budget Amendment To Save Our Credit Rating

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

When I first came to Congress, it was painfully evident our government was broken.  Like you, I was concerned the conversations in Washington were centered on expanding government, spending money we did not have, and increasing taxes.  I promised the people of my district that I would fight the tide and stop the growth in spending and bureaucratic growth in…

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar Averting the Fiscal CrisisWhy Cut, Cap, and Balance is Needed

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar “Averting the Fiscal Crisis—Why Cut, Cap, and Balance is Needed” By, Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-01) 684 Words It is no secret we have a spending crisis.   Far too long, both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have spent trillions more per year than we have, leading to staggering deficits and long term debt.  But…

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar Saving Medicare Before Its Too Late

| Posted in Weekly Columns and Op-Eds

Weekly Column from Congressman Gosar “Saving Medicare Before It’s Too Late” By, Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-01) 696 Words Listening to feedback from my constituents, I know that Medicare is of utmost concern.  Let’s talk about the facts of Medicare and where we go from here.  What most people still don’t know is that “Medicare as we know…