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Defense bill amendment sets up immigration fight

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Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) filed an amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would strip out and replace language affirming the Defense secretary's ability to enlist anyone who is determined to be "vital to the national interest."Click here to read

Foreign Investment In Our Politicians

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There is little dispute that campaign contributions can influence desired political outcomes. After all, money is the mother’s milk of politics. Some special interests buy favor that some politicians are seemingly too willing, and even sometimes eager, to sell.Click here to read

House Panel Asked to Shine Light on PMA Costs

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CEO Patrick Ledger of Arizona’s G&T Cooperatives said his co-op is challenged to manage costs for its members because it lacks a full accounting of environmental compliance from the Western Area Power Administration, a key power provider.Click here to read

Hunting offers best solution for North Rim bison problems

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Bills sponsored by Arizona’s two senators and by U.S. Rep Paul Gosar would allow hunting in the remote regions of Grand Canyon National Park. If that plan is approved, hunting would thin the herd, provide protection for Park Service habitat, provide food and also bolster Arizona’s economy.Click here to read