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House slated for immigration fight in defense bill

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The amendments authored by conservative Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) are sure to cause uproar among Democrats and some centrist Republicans who believe DACA recipients should be allowed to serve in the militaryClick here to read

House: Keep using term illegal alien

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Republicans like Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Prescott, said the Library of Congress’ proposed change amounts to politically motivated “censorship” of a straightforward expression, and requires that Congress step in to halt it.Click here to read

On College Admission, Military Recruitment, and Illegal Aliens

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In its recent vote on the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund troops, materiel, operations, and readiness, Congress had a chance to ditch a program called ‘Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest’ (MAVNI), which is a deliberately obscure name for the Pentagon’s directive to its recruiters to sign up ‘legal non-citizens with in-demand…

Arizona leaders urge Army Corps to help remove invasive trees affecting floodplain

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U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) recently sent a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Army Jo-Ellen Darcy urging the Army Corps of Engineers to respond to Maricopa County Flood Control District’s request for assistance with its ecosystem restoration project, which could also help control flooding. Click here to read

Effort to Deny Funding to Sanctuary Cities Fails for Unrelated Reason

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Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is leading the charge along with 42 of his colleagues. In late March, the group submitted a request urging key appropriators to include language in their respective bills that prohibits federal funds from going to sanctuary cities. FAIR supports Rep. Gosar’s efforts and submitted a similar request on behalf the organization.Click here to read

GOP Congress, Pentagon Accelerate Recruitment of Illegals As Military Shrinks

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To block the recruitment of the illegals instead of young Americans, Freedom Caucus member Rep. Paul Gosar (R.-Ariz.) filed an recruitment-reform amendment to the House’s version of the Pentagon budget. Gosar called the recruitment program a “backdoor amnesty,” because it quickly grants citizenship to the illegals.Click here to read

EPA employees on hearing agenda, but thats not all

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Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.), who chaired much of the hearing, used the session for an outburst against EPA generally and especially Administrator Gina McCarthy. Gosar told Stanley Meiburg, the acting deputy administrator who also testified at the hearing, that Meiburg is in violation of the law because he continues to serve in that capacity after having been nominated for the full-time…

White House dodges on Rhodes testimony, lashes out at GOP

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The White House on Thursday dodged questions about whether a key adviser will testify in the House about his claims about how the Iran nuclear deal was reached, and instead lashed out at Republicans for opposing the deal.Click here to read