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U.S. House corrects survey error

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The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Wednesday to correct a decades-old surveying error that put part of some people's homes inside the boundaries of the Coconino National Forest. Under the bill, the government would sell 2.67 acres of the forest for $20,000 to owners of 26 homes in Mountainaire, parts of which were located on federal land after a 1960 government surveying error that…

Arizona, Nevada seek interstate designation for 'Canamex Corridor'

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U.S. representatives from Arizona and Nevada are calling on Congress to designate a new Interstate 11 in the pending highway bill. They say I-11 is the missing piece in the Canamex Corridor, an all-interstate trade route from the Arizona border with Mexico through five states to the Montana border with Canada. The designation for I-11 is currently part of the U.S. Senate’s two-year…

Committee grills Defense, Homeland Security on border security

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Tags: Defense

Pentagon and Homeland Security officials assured a House subcommittee Tuesday that they can continue border security despite a reduction in the National Guard from 1,200 to 300 soldiers, who will focus on support for aerial border surveillance. That drew skeptical questioning from Arizona Reps. Ben Quayle, R-Phoenix, and Paul Gosar, R-Flagstaff, who accused the agencies of a lack of…

Arizona lawmakers question health pact

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Seven members of Arizona's congressional delegation have demanded the Department of Defense answer questions about its decision to select UnitedHealth Group over a Phoenix-based company for a lucrative military health-care contract.Click here to read

Bachman Pushes For No Confidence Vote on Holder

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"I recently had a post on Big Government that addressed the fact that number of Reps calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation had reached 109, while support for Congressman Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) “No Confidence” resolution, House Resolution 490, was nearing 100 Reps. Well, thanks to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), that post is old…