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Holder criticism grows to include Democratic, liberal media outcry

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Tags: Defense

The Republican criticism of Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department -- first, over the failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation and now, the subpoena of reporters’ phone and email records -- is growing to include outcry from liberal media outlets and Democrats. Click here to read

Airport control tower to stay open

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The Federal Aviation Administration is keeping open for now the 149 control towers at small airports that were slated to close as the result of governmentwide automatic spending cuts imposed by Congress..."It should be noted that Arizona Congressman (Paul) Gosar was proactive in Congressional action to save the towers." Click here to read

Gosar questions witness on Benghazi attack

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Tags: Defense

U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar took part in an emotionally and politically charged hearing Wednesday on the attack last year that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans at a compound in Libya. Click here to read