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Arizona's Rep. Gosar is trying to impeach EPA boss

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U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., has launched another drive to remove a top leader in the Obama administration through impeachment. Gosar plans to introduce legislation soon to impeach Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, accusing her of perjury during congressional testimony on a controversial water rule. Click here to read

Fact Check: Rep. Paul Gosar on fracking emissions

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Gosar's statement that methane emissions from fracking have significantly decreased despite increases in production is true. The EPA's proposal would regulate the entire oil and natural-gas industry, which extends beyond fracking, but the industry has seen a drop in methane emissions overall as well. THE FINDING: Four stars: TrueClick here to read

Official: Aging water facilities need major repair

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The bill would “put a long list of all the projects of the Bureau of Reclamation’s inventory so we know what they look like, what they expect, time tables in which they need to be repaired,” said Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Prescott, and the lead sponsor of the measure.Click here to read

Rep. Paul Gosar to Vote Against Boehner as Speaker on Tuesday

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Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona says he will vote against retaining John Boehner as Speaker of the House. “Trust is a series of promises kept; my vote for new leadership reflects a promise I made to voters when they elected me,” Gosar writes in a news release sent out Sunday. Click here to read