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Fighting Terrorism

The global threat of terrorism is at an all-time high. In a little over a year's time, deadly terrorist attacks occurred in Orlando, Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Turkey, Iraq, India, Pakistan and Nigeria.  Thousands of innocent civilians have lost their lives.  These terrorists are unlike any enemy we have ever faced.  They do not value their own lives or even the lives of their children and will stop at nothing to kill anyone who opposes their apocalyptic beliefs.

President Obama is so scared that he will alienate his liberal base that he has overseen the most restrictive and ineffective rules of engagement in the modern world. He refuses to define the enemy for whom and what they are – radical Islamist terrorists – and refuses to put forth an effective war strategy that will combat dangerous terrorists that are beheading and slaughtering innocent civilians.

The first thing any country must do when they are at war also happens to be the most important job of the United States federal government; protect the homeland and defend its people. Despite the Obama's reluctance to take action to secure our borders, I am working with my colleagues in the House of Representatives to advance common sense solutions that keep the American people safe.


I passed an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act that prohibited more than $440 million in aid from going to the governments of Iran and Syria, in addition to the Palestinian Authority/Hamas coalition, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and all other foreign terrorist organizations. 

I passed an amendment by a bipartisan vote of 236-182 to block funds for "Sanctuary City" policies.

I introduced H.R. 4856, which prevents gang members and violent criminal aliens from receiving amnesty.

I joined several of my colleagues in introducing H.R. 5816, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act. This legislation puts an immediate moratorium on refugees from Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq until Congress approves a new screening mechanism put forth by the administration.

During the 113th Congress, I introduced H.R. 1922, the Foreign Assistance Under Limitation and Transparency (FAULT) Act.  This legislation sought to prohibit foreign assistance to Iran, North Korea, Syria, Egypt, and Pakistan.  American taxpayers should not be footing the bill to send foreign aid to countries that undermine our national interests and threaten the safety of important allies like Israel.

  • Voted for H.R. 5471, the Countering Terrorist Radicalization Act
  • Voted for H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act
  • Voted for H.R. 4314, Counterterrorism Screening and Assistance Act
  • Voted for H.R. 4820, Combating Terrorist Recruitment Act
  • Voted for H.R. 5631, the Iran Accountability Act
  • Voted for H.R. 158, the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act
  • Cosponsor of H.R. 300, the Smart Border Act
  • Cosponsor of H.R. 4034, the Secure Fence Restoration Act
  • Cosponsor of H.R. 3314, the Refugee Resettlement National Security Act
  • Cosponsor of H.R. 4078, the Give States a Chance Act
  • Cosponsor of H.R. 4032, the State’s Right of Refugee Refusal Act


The United States already takes in more immigrants than any other country on the planet. Allowing tens of thousands of refugees to enter our country further strains our out-of-control deficit spending. Even more troubling, leaders from the FBI, National Counterterrorism Center and the Department of Homeland Security have said they do not have the necessary on-the-ground intelligence to thoroughly vet refugees.  Until there is a certification process in place that we can trust to prevent terrorist threats in America, the administration’s refugee program should be paused.

My colleagues and I are trying to stop these transfers in Congress. I am proud to be a cosponsor of H.R. 3314, the Refugee Resettlement National Security Act, legislation that puts an immediate moratorium on the refugee resettlement program and prevent these potentially dangerous individuals from entering our borders. I also joined several of my colleagues in introducing H.R. 5816, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act. This legislation is a more targeted approach that puts an immediate moratorium on refugees from Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq until Congress approves a new screening mechanism put forth by the administration. Finally, I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 4078, the Give States a Chance Act and H.R. 4032, the State’s Right of Refugee Refusal Act. These bills seek to allow governors to refuse placement of refugees.  


With overwhelming bipartisan support, the House passed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act with my support. This legislation requires all 38 participating countries to provide counterterrorism information and other critical intelligence while denying Visa Waiver Program status for those who have traveled to terrorist hotbeds, like Iraq and Syria. This is a common sense step that can be done immediately to stop the flow of potential terrorists entering the United States.


The time has come for America to lead. While President Obama has demonstrated he does not have the fortitude or leadership qualities necessary to accomplish the mission, there is too much at stake for our country to go gentle into the night.

While he is busy parsing words, ISIS is beheading journalists, killing Christians, bringing down airliners and holding cities full of civilians hostage.

It is for these reasons and to protect future generations that Congress must unequivocally declare ISIS and its affiliates enemies of the United States. We must authorize a decisive and robust AUMF. If the Obama won’t lead, Congress should. And that is why 17 brave colleagues and I have called on Republican leadership to pass a new AUMF in order to destroy ISIS.