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What's Happening On The Hill? 

Saying No To Amnesty

This week, I voted to prevent the course of history from repeating itself and opposed one of the largest amnesty bills in our country's history. The root of the problem with the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act, better known as the 'compromise' bill, is the same as last week’s bill -- it grants amnesty. We cannot compromise our country's future by creating a special path for those not willing to wait in line. Under this bill, it is estimated that millions of illegal aliens would become eligible for legal status. I will continue to stand strong and fight to secure our borders and uphold the rule of law. The only pathway to achieving the American dream is by abiding by the laws of our sovereign nation. No amnesty. The End.

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Demanding Answers 

The Department of Justice must stop blocking Congress from documents that are well within our right to receive. This week, the House passed a resolution demanding that the DOJ turn over all remaining relevant documents within 7 days. The longer they continue to stonewall Congress from accessing the documents the more the American people lose faith in our justice system. It’s simple; comply with the law and do your job or leave.

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SCOTUS Travel Ban Ruling

The Supreme Court of the United States' ruling on the travel ban put the safety of the American people FIRST! At a time when terrorists are trying to infiltrate the ranks of refugees and other visitors coming to the U.S. it's critical we take action to secure our border and strengthen our immigration and refugee screening process.

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Arizona To Receive $39.9M in Payments to Support Vial Services 

Over 90% of federally-owned land is located in the Western half of the United States. In Arizona, less than 17% of our state is private land. The massive federal estate creates some real challenges for local communities, especially when county governments have a duty to provide essential services like law enforcement, infrastructure and education. I applaud Secretary Zinke and the Trump Administration for their leadership and for recognizing the importance of PILT payments to the State of Arizona. Without this announcement, rural communities in my district would be forced to layoff teachers and other public servants.

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As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( on Twitter @RepGosar, Facebook and through Instagram.

2057 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2315
6499 S. Kings Ranch Rd, #4
Gold Canyon, AZ 85118
Phone: (480) 882-2697
220 N. 4th Street
Kingman, AZ 86401
By Appointment Only
122 N. Cortez Street, Suite 104
Prescott, AZ 86301
Phone: (928) 445-1683
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