This Week with Gosar
Top Stories – Bullhead City, AZ
Gosar Votes to Rescind Biden’s 87,000 IRS Troops
This week, the newly sworn in Republican majority was hard at work reversing the failed policies enacted by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the woke democrats from yesteryear beginning with passing legislation rescinding Joe Biden’s plan to unleash a legion of 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents to harass, insult, threaten and audit families and small businesses.
Democrats have a long and sorry history of weaponizing the IRS to go after political enemies so it’s not surprising that every single democrat voted in favor of this latest effort to have the IRS come after your money. We don’t need more IRS agents pestering our citizens, instead we need 87,000 more Border Patrol Agents fighting the invasion along our southern border.
Read my full statement here.
Gosar Introduces Resolution Terminating COVID-19 National Emergency
Also this week, I once again introduced a resolution to terminate Joe Biden’s COVID-19 national emergency powers. It’s the same resolution I introduced during the last congressional session but was ignored by Nancy Pelosi. Well, not so much ignored, rather then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi purposely changed the rules of the House to prevent my resolution from being considered.
Back up. The National Emergencies Act (NEA) was passed in 1974 to reign in presidential emergency powers which are activated when a formal emergency is declared. On March 13, 2020, President Trump rightfully declared a national emergency concerning COVID-19. Emergency powers were created to give the executive branch flexibility to respond to a range of crises facing the United States. Under the COVID-19 national emergency declaration, more than 120 emergency statutory powers continue to be available to Mr. Biden, including the power to draft Americans without consent, raising Dr. Fauci’s salary, barricading the United States Capital, and placing the Public Health Service under military control. Biden even used the national emergency powers to “justify” his bogus student loan forgiveness scheme claiming the pandemic created a hardship making it difficult to repay college loans. Thankfully, the courts have ruled Biden’s student loan “forgiveness” plot unconstitutional but not before he illegally abused the emergency declarations powers to score some political points weeks before the November midterm elections.
Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have since repeatedly blocked debate about the merits of the extended declaration, as required by law. How, you might ask? Because a provision in the NEA requires Congress to review termination of national emergencies, stating that after six months, and every six months after the emergency continues, Congress must meet to consider a resolution of termination. Sadly, rather than debate and vote on terminating the emergency declaration, Nancy Pelosi changed the rules of the entire House of Representatives on more than one occasion to prevent this from happening, thus handicapping Congress from performing its most basic Constitutional duty: checking the powers of the executive branch. As a result, Joe Biden has extended the COVID-19 national emergency through February 2023.
By any measure, the pandemic in the United States has ended. Even Joe Biden agrees, stating on 60 Minutes last September, that the “pandemic is over” and the vast majority of Americans have returned to a pre-pandemic normalcy. So why does Joe Biden continue to demand the COVID-19 national emergency be extended? The answer is simple, to force Americans to live under extreme measures that deprive us of our freedoms.
There is no ongoing COVID-19 emergency to justify the continuation of the national emergency declaration. Cases are down and most Americans have returned to a pre-pandemic normalcy. This hardly sounds like a country under a national emergency which is why I am calling on my colleagues and Mr. Biden to reverse course and move to give the People back their say in government. The good news is that the Senate has now twice passed a companion joint resolution to my legislation, the second consideration garnering 61 yes votes, showing this action has bipartisan support from 12 Democrat Senators. I feel confident, now that Republicans are in charge, that my resolution will soon be considered on the House floor. I will keep you updated!
To read more about my resolution, including what others are saying about it, click here.

Gosar Votes to Protect Abortion Survivors
This week I voted in favor of H.R. 26, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. H.R. 26 requires health care practitioners to provide infants born alive following an abortion or an attempted abortion with the same standard of medical care as any other newborn. The legislation creates criminal penalties for health care practitioners who fail to provide the required level of care. Under H.R. 26, any person who intentionally kills an abortion survivor could be charged with murder under federal law.
The care for a child who is born alive after an abortion should be undisputed. Americans have long contested the issue of abortion. As the Supreme Court noted in its recent Dobbs opinion, Roe v. Wade and subsequent cases have “enflamed debate and deepened division” within the country. What should be undisputed, however, is how we should care for a child who is born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion. Abortion survivors are children, and as a newborn they deserve the same standard of medical care.
I joined all my Republican colleagues in supporting this commonsense legislation and I will always vote in favor of provisions that honor the sanctity of life. Sadly, all but one democrat voted in favor of the abortion industry.
Three Lies and A Truth
For those of you who read social media or fake news, you will frequently read lies about me and other conservatives. Let me set the record straight about a few things.
Lie 1: Leftists accused me of “seeking a pardon” for my role in speaking about election integrity. At no time did I ever request a pardon. Not for one second did I ever believe I did anything wrong that would warrant a pardon. I have the right to free speech and freedom to petition my government. I did so then, and I will continue to do so. No amount of threats from socialists and the Leftist media will change that.
Truth: I did seek pardons for former Rep. Rick Renzi, Stephen Bannon and triple amputee and war hero Brian Kolfage. These were in writing and submitted to the White House through the Office of Pardon Attorney. President Trump granted pardons to Mr. Renzi and Mr. Bannon, and unfortunately not to Kolfage, who languishes in judicial hell for a technicality of paperwork regarding his nonprofit “We Build the Wall.”
Lie 2: The democrat inquisition via the Select Committee to Investigate January 6 found me culpable for wrongdoing.
Truth. The democrat-run committee completely exonerated me, Ali Alexander, Alex Jones, Michael Coudrey, Donald Trump, Jr., Mo Brooks, Representative Andy Biggs and others who were smeared for the past two years. Though the democrats tried to allege falsehoods, the facts were clear and very public the whole time: I exercised my right to free speech. I can question any election I want. I can seek better election laws and I will. There was never anything illegal about that.
Socialists and communists have a well-earned reputation for attempting to criminalize their political opposition. That is what they tried here. The truth prevailed. With new leadership in Congress a new committee will investigate the truth of January 6th and the role of Nancy Pelosi, fascist groups like Antifa, FBI provocateurs and other nefarious actors. The left cannot continue to hide the truth about that day.
Lie 3: I am Putin “apologist.”
Truth. I have no opinion about Russian President Putin. I don’t follow him in the media, I’ve never been to Russia and I know very little about Russia. Neither do my colleagues in Washington, D.C. for that matter, but it doesn’t stop them from spouting off.
I have been clear for a year. I oppose spending even one of your tax dollars to protect Ukraine borders while we are overrun with over five million illegal aliens invading our unsecured border in just two years. We have 35 million illegal aliens living in our country, keeping wages low, and burdening our jails, our health care system, our schools and creating job shortages, and homelessness. Every illegal alien here causes another American to be homeless as the Biden regime pays for housing (with your money) for illegals while Americans get evicted.
Protecting our sovereignty is job one for any legitimate government. Our government is a complete failure. I also object to supporting Ukraine for these reasons:
This rogue country does not deserve a single cent from us. And we have no business running a proxy war that endangers us unnecessarily.
4. A Truth: I’ve been shadow-banned by Fox News. Ever since Paul Ryan joined Fox News I get few invitations to appear on Fox. Oh well. Their loss!
I don’t seek publicity but sometimes I trend on social media by just being me.

Gosar Announces Winners of Autographed Book
Last week, faithful Gosar Newsletter readers were asked to correctly answer a trivia question by naming the individual who said “the timorous may stay at home.” Eight awesome people knew the answer was U.S. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo.
That's me, signing one of your books!
Congratulations to Linda Nichols, Brian Pemberton, David Covington, Ty Lamb, Clearsa Markegard, Melanie Sarino, Michelle Arnett and Shelly Evans. Your autographed book is in the mail!
Gosar Meets with Officials in Lake Havasu City
After a busy week in Washington, D.C., I returned home and caught up with Lake Havasu City Mayor Sheehey, Vice Mayor Dolan, Council Member David Lane and Judge Kalauli. We discussed local issues and latest happenings in our nation’s capital. I always enjoy sitting down with all the local officials in my congressional district and am grateful for their leadership in our community!
I also had the privilege to attend the Veterans Treatment Court Graduation Ceremony in Lake Havasu City. Sadly, one in five veterans have symptoms of a mental health disorder or cognitive impairment caused from combat service. Veterans Treatment Centers address the treatment needs of justice-involved veterans by providing a dignified and important alternative to traditional criminal processing. I am very proud of these veterans and their families!

I wrapped up the week by attending the Patriot Academy’s Constitution Training class hosted by Bart Anderson, Patriot Academy Volunteer Training Coach, at the Bullhead City Library. The six week series focuses on the original intent of the United States Constitution. Bart, thanks for invitating me and thank you for volunteering your time to teach about the history of our nation and what you can do to preserve our freedoms.
It’s Mail Time!
I receive a lot of mail. After only two weeks of the new year, I have already received over 3,000 letters! Here’s a sample from this week:

David D. from White Hills, AZ shares my views on the COVID-19 national emergency:
Thanks for your support for removing the covid emergency powers. Way overdue.
Dear David – fair to say “we agree!” Emergency powers lead to abuse. Executive encroachment and Congressional failure are not new to the National Emergencies Act process. Did you know that there are over 40 national emergencies are still in effect dating back to the Carter Administration with no oversight conducted?
Patricia V. from Dewey, AZ wrote:
I just wanted to thank you, Dr. Gosar, for all your good work and for sending your wonderful emails. They are so full of great information. I am so sad you are not our representative anymore, but thankful that you keep in touch with us.
Thanks, Patricia. I do my best to respond to every letter I receive and my weekly newsletter is full of great information. Ask your neighbors to sign up here!
Darrell F. from Yuma responded to my email about Kevin McCarthy:
I wish to thank you for the response to my earlier e-mail regarding the Speaker of House. As a result of your quick and informative letter, you no doubt have my full confidence.
Darrell – the institutional changes I fought for were critical to the way that Congress functions. I held the line in the House until we secured a deal that allows conservatives to truly fight for We the People in our new Republican majority.
William S. from Kingman shares:
It’s people like you that have our country in mind every time you make a move like the IRS agent insanity and border crisis debacle. Thank you for your service to us all.
Dear William – with every vote I cast, I always have our country in mind. House Republicans voted unanimously to repeal Biden’s IRS Army and we are just getting started!
Thomas D. spouts off:
Good morning. Gosar is so dumb. Learn how to read. 87,000 IRS workers are needed to replace all the retirees and others. FEW audits under 400k.
Thomas – call me after your tax returns get audited. I bet you will change your tune.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Linda Williams from Prescott Valley, AZ sent this photo of the beautiful Arizona sunset. She explains that it reminded her of our state flag. I see it, too! Great picture!
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our "Picture of the Week?" If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let's show her off!
Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:
American Greatness: Baltimore Is Reviving, But the Road to Recovery Is Long
PJ Media: Attention Please, COVID Is Not Over. We Repeat, COVID Is Not Over.
New York Post: Democrats care more about Pete Buttigieg’s identity politics than if he can actually do his job
New York Post: Classified Biden docs found in his Delaware garage next to Corvette
New York Post: Kevin McCarthy confirms House panel boot for Schiff, Swalwell and Omar
CNN: US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden’s private office
The Blaze: CBS anchors slam WH press sec for pushing narrative about classified docs: 'Has not answered a single question'
Daily Mail: SECOND batch of Biden classified documents found at another location
Town Hall: No Joke, Our Worst President Wants Another Term
The Hill: House GOP passes repeal of IRS funding boost as its first bill in the majority