This Week with Gosar
September 24, 2023
BREAKING NEWS: 232,972 Illegals Crossed the Border in August
Late Friday Biden quietly announced that nearly 233,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border last month. He didn’t want you to know that’s why he waited until the last minute to release the latest data. Shattering all previous records, illegal border crossing jumped to a new high for any month of August. This invasion was caused by Joe Biden’s America Last policies.
Gosar Visits Illegal Alien Processing Center, Condemns Misuse of National Park Land
This week, I participated on a House Natural Resources Committee oversight and investigations tour of the Gateway National Recreation Area and related sites in New York City, NY related to the ongoing immigration crisis resulting from Joe Biden’s failed open border policies.
Joe Biden’s reckless open border policies are destroying American cities from Phoenix, Arizona to New York City. Since Biden took office more than eight and half million lawbreakers have been welcomed into our country. If you thought they get deported, you’re wrong. Many of these lawbreakers travel to sanctuary cities, like New York City. Just last year, New York City Mayor Adams bragged he was proud that New York is a sanctuary state and he would continue to welcome and protect the illegal aliens invading New York City. Over 100,000 illegals have arrived in New York City since 2022.
Rather than prosecute these criminals and deport them, sanctuary cities like New York are partnering with the Biden administration to encamp thousands of illegal aliens at National Park properties. These federal properties exist for the public as recreational areas for hiking, camping and fishing not to serve as a four-star hotel for lawbreakers to live for free on the taxpayers’ dime.
Biden is Secretly Flying Hundreds of Thousands Illegal Aliens All Across USA
Speaking of illegal aliens, this week it was revealed that Joe Biden has flown more that 200,000 illegals into cities throughout the United States. These flights full of illegal passengers are not counted in the estimates of lawbreakers coming into the country through the southern border. As many as 43 airports are being used to fly these illegal aliens but the Biden administration is withholding the specific locations and names of the airports claiming the release would “harm law enforcement procedures.” That’s rich. How about enforcing the damn laws and deporting these criminals?

Wait, there is More: the Cartels are Sending the Illegals to Overwhelm Border Patrol Officers
Biden turning our national parks into encampments for illegals…Biden flying illegals all across the country…record border crossings...STOP THE INSANITY! But wait, it gets worse. This week it was reported that the drug cartels are purposely sending waves of thousands of lawbreakers across Biden’s open border to overwhelm our Border Patrol officers. The goal is the send mobs of illegal aliens to rush the border to distract and tie up officers while the cartels sneak drugs, including deadly fentanyl, across less populated areas of the southern border. As I have been saying, we have lost operational control of the southern border and Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are to blame.
Capitol Police Chief Testifies About Intelligence Incompetence Leading to J6
This week, the House Committee on Administration held a hearing on the January 6th security failures and heard testimony from the former Chief of Capitol Police, Steven Sund, who was in charge of the Capitol Police that day. He was clear that there was information several days before J6 that some bad actors would infiltrate and attempt to cause a disruption. Chief Sund explained that “January 6 was an intelligence failure. We rely on accurate intelligence to help us develop effective security and operational plans. We now know that significant intelligence existed that indicated individuals were plotting to storm the Capitol building, target lawmakers, and discussing shooting my officers, and yet no intel agencies or units sounded the alarm. We were blindsided.”
In other words, the FBI and other agencies had intelligence ahead of J6 that some bad actors were planning to cause problems, but they did nothing about it and failed to tell the Capitol Police. It gets worse. He states that the “January 6 attack at the Capitol was preventable. If the intelligence had been accurately reported, and the FBI and DHS had followed their policies and established practices, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.”
The FBI and the DHS receive hundreds of billions of your money every year to provide intelligence. And for reasons unknown, they did not share the information they had with the one entity that needed it the most: the Capitol Police. Of course, there are reports that the FBI had “assets” in the crowd that were attempting to urge people to be violent. Attorney General Merrick Garland would have you to believe he has no idea how many agents or assets were present on January 6. Total lies.
Even more disturbing is Chief Sund’s testimony that as early as January 3 he “requested the assistance of the National Guard to support my perimeter and was denied by the two Sergeants at Arms over the concerns for politics and optics.” The Sergeant at Arms at that time was controlled exclusively by Nancy Pelosi. Let me translate this for you: if the Sergeant at Arms turned down the security requests it means Nancy Pelosi turned it down.
After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump. That is, when he wasn’t also secretly coordinating and sharing intelligence with the Chinese military. How this traitor remains in office is a question we need answered.
Chief Sund explained “after I had received approval to call in the National Guard, I had to beg Pentagon officials to send us help. I was repeatedly denied assistance.”
Our nation deserves much better than this.
Also J6 Related: Journalist Going to Jail
Free countries don’t imprison journalists who are documenting events. Yet, in our country, that is what happened to Stephen Horn. As reported by the Post Millenial, “an independent journalist has been found guilty by a DC jury on charges related to January 6, 2021. Stephen Horn was found guilty of entering or remaining in a restricted area, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol building.”
What did he do, besides record and document what was going on, with a two-hour video? Mr. Horn wrote the following on January 7th explaining exactly what he did: “I told the same truth to the jury that I posted along with my video on January 7th: 'I did not enter the capitol building as part of the protest, or for cheap thrills, but to accurately document and record a significant event which was taking place.'"
This is just further malicious prosecution and a violation of civil rights by the prosecutor and leftist juries in D.C.
Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancer in Arizona is a real concern. That’s because too much sun can lead to skin cancer. This week I collaborated with the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Association and provided free skin cancer screening at my Goodyear office. They graciously treated everyone who stopped by. If you haven’t had a screening recently, please see a dermatologist soon. Thank you Dr. Ross and Dr. Superfon and the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery Association for this free service.
Facts About Concealed Firearms Carry
In an article published in 2019, Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation reported that 0.7 percent of all firearm-related homicides over a 15-year period involved concealed carry permit holders.
It is even lower when suicides were taken out of the sample. Here’s the truth: the violence in our country is not “gun violence.” The guns are not able to make decisions. It is gang and criminal violence perpetrated by thugs and low IQ miscreants. If we truly want to stop the violence, we know what to do: stop the criminals with long jail sentences and death penalty for murder. Law abiding concealed carry citizens have no impact on the violence in this country.
El Salvador elected a president who believes in protecting his people. El Salvador suffered from gang violence for decades. Thugs and criminals were killing people and causing chaos with near impunity, much like our major cities here.
In an effort to protect his people the President started arresting and jailing the criminals. Then something amazing happened: The crime went away.
The Guardian reported that “The homicide rate, which spiked to a staggering 107 per 100,000 people in 2015, making El Salvador one of the most dangerous counties on earth, has fallen to just 7.8 per 100,000. Even long-term critics acknowledge that extortion appears to have fallen sharply and that many in communities which lived in terror are enjoying the freedom to live their lives unmenaced.” It is no wonder the President of El Salvador has a 90% approval rating. Protecting the people is good policy and good politics.
We need a president in America who cares more about families and people than it does criminals. Today, Biden supports criminals, gangs and violence. Over 8 million criminals have been let into our country in just 2.5 years. You can expect the crime rate in America to continue to rise.
Take self-defense lessons. Arm yourself. And be careful.
COVID Vaccine Demand is Weak
The lack of demand for the latest covid "vaccine" could mean many things. By the way, getting the COVID jab does not prevent you from getting COVID so it does not meet the definition of a "vaccine" - it is more like a flu shot. I would like to believe people are now seeing that the COVID hysteria was a mass media scare tactic and the results of the COVID "vaccines" are now known: they are neither safe nor effective. Take them if you want, it's a free country. But I will never support mandatory lockdowns, mandatory masks or mandatory vaccines because as I said: it's a free country. This was a very dark period in our nation's history. We all learned that we live among die-hard fascists who want to make you a third-class citizen if you did not comply with their irrational screeching demands to take an experimental drug that had no testing. As a doctor I found the complete lack of transparency and lack of informed consent to be inhumane.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
I have been against funding war, particularly the Ukraine war where there is no doubt we, the United States, are in a proxy war with Russia. It is a dangerous and stupid game from the warmongers in Washington, D.C. I want nothing to do with it and I have voted against every funding request for this ill-advised adventure in death. I was almost alone in my opposition in March 2022. Today, over 100 members of congress have joined me in opposing the reckless and insane war profiting.
The rich men North of Richmond - the DC war profiteers - roll in cash as Ukraine has buried over 170,000 men and Russia has buried 50,000 because of this war. These numbers are staggering but every death also means someone lost a father, a husband or a brother. Their deaths are unnecessary. Our involvement there is unnecessary. We have no interest there.
Russia tried diplomacy to avoid war only to be rebuked by the U.S. and lied to about the 2014 Minsk accords. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that the Minsk Accords were not about peace but to fool Russia into complacency and give time for Ukraine to arm itself and prepare its army for war. Which it did. And from 2014 to 2022 Ukrainian militia killed 14,000 Russian civilians in the Donbass Region. Anyone who claims Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked” is either ignorant or lying. Any country with an ounce of self-respect would use force to stop the killings. Russia went to the U.N. twice seeking peace. It was rebuffed.
The Bible has a beatitude we are all familiar with:
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers, for They Will Be Called Children of God” (Matt 5:9)
Where are the peacemakers today? Our state department is silent and helped start this war by instigating a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Their job is diplomacy. The U.N. is silent. NATO is urging war and death instead of peace.
The EU is supporting war.
Here in the U.S., the so-called peace groups are silent. All of them. There were many peace groups condemning George Bush and the Iraq War. Where are they today? It would seem for many of these peace groups are just leftist fronts. They urge peace only if a Republican is in office. If it’s a leftist who wants war, then peace is irrelevant.
The Schiller Institute has been urging a peaceful resolution. You can see some of their papers here. Not too many others.
Whether I stand alone or not (I know I don’t…millions of Americans agree with me) peace is always an objective.
I recently tweeted at former VP Mike Pence my comment on his laughably stupid and dangerous statement that soon the U.S. will need to send troops to fight Russia for Ukraine. I will repeat: Ukraine has a foreign legion. (Or had one, most are now dead). Feel free to join and fight for Ukraine. If that’s how strongly you feel about dying for a corrupt authoritarian regime, it’s your life to throw away. But leave our fathers, brothers and husbands out of it. Our military is to protect our borders. The Pence family is free to fight and die in the smoking ruins of a German Leopard tank. The rest of us want to live and if we need to fight and die, it will be to protect our lands.
Gas Prices are Too Damn High!
The Laughing Gas Station was an institution in Salome, Arizona for decades on the 1930’s-1960’s. Their motto was “We are here to fill your tank. And get your money.” That much remains true today as gas is now $5 a gallon in Phoenix thanks to Joe Biden and the democrats and their irrational and spiteful hate of affordable and reliable energy. Under President Trump, gas was $2 a gallon. Keep that mind as you hit the next gas station.
Reminder: Service Academy Nominations
As your Representative in Congress, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five military service academies. The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.
Background and Important Information Including Applying and Deadline:
Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. service academies:
- U.S. Military Academy (USMA), West Point, NY
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, MD,
- U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO
- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, NY
The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, CT, does not require a congressional nomination for appointment.
To request a Military Academy Nomination from our office, please click here and complete the form.
DEADLINE: The nomination packets must be received (not postmarked) in the office no later than October 31, 2023 by 5:00 PM AZ time.
It’s Mail Time!
I receive a lot of mail every month from constituents, and I love hearing from everyone. Here is a small sample I received this week:
Nan A. from Yuma vents:
Stop it! What is wrong with all of you Republicans? We need to get our government handled. We need to pay our bills that we’ve already ensued.
Remember, there are far more independents and Democrats in the United States then there are Republicans, and your job is you to take care of all of your constituents not just your Trumpy constituents. We need a balanced budget (we are onto you, and watch you raise the debt ceiling every time the Republicans are in office; never with the Democrats, and you need to get it together. We need to pay our bills.
Listen to your “hero…” Congress “consistently brings the Government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility,” Reagan said in a speech. “This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans’ benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar.”
We also need to vote all of you out of office. I hope you are gone after this next election. Can’t thank you because you have done nothing to help the country.
Nan, lay off the booze. You’ve got some wacky ideas about what’s going on. You’re confusing the debt ceiling vote (already over and I voted AGAINST) with the budget.
Suzan K. from Show Low shares:
Don't you let up. You keep that pressure on. Ukraine needs no money. How is Biden sending a grant of 5.7 million dollars for psychological help for journalists? For what, to keep up the lies. We do not have money to throw away on frivolous BS as this. Who gave him the purse strings? I want that money back in the coffers. I tell you one of the biggest enemies we have in our country right now is Soros and his sons and if anyone should be put in Guantanamo it is surely them. Without trial, without a phone call, nothing. Also, the UNITED NATIONS and NATO because they brought all these people here. Every one of these people that came across the border had a cell phone and a debit card from the UN. I don't care if we shut down the government. We need to go line by line and defund most of it. If we don't show them that we mean business and shut that border down now we could never recover. Praying for you all.
Suzan. Amen. You said it well. The White House is out of control and running a rogue operation. The only solution will be mass deportation and trials for the corrupt. Thanks for your prayers!
Patrick P. from Wapiti, Wyoming took the time to write:
Congressman, I agree 100%. I worked 30 years for the NPS and started out at Gateway and the NYC area. Here is what you do: Tell the NPS Director you are going to introduce a motion to suspend NPS funds to the NY NPS parks unless the NPS physically removes these bums from our national parks (they have the Park Police and LE rangers to do this). Every dollar the NPS spends on the cost of this immigration issue will be deducted from other federal funding to NYC. The dumb ass mayor there thinks he is pulling a fast one over the American people. It boils my blood to think this fool so willingly denies New Yorkers access to their park areas so that he can camp illegals there that HE HELPED facilitate their occupation with his sanctuary city policy. New Yorkers need Gateway and other NPS sites for their own physical and mental health.
Thanks, Patrick. Even our national parks are being overrun but Joe Biden’s open border policies. These green spaces are some of America’s most treasured lands and are for the American public and visitors. Their mission is to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources for this and future generations. Now they are becoming encampments. Joe Biden is destroying every corner of our once great country.
John S. is frustrated with Biden’s border invasion and writes:
Please have Representatives Gosar keep the pressure on. These illegal trespassers have demonstrated zero respect for our laws. Why would they respect our park properties?
John, you are correct. They don’t care about our laws, culture of values. These parks will be ruined within days, mark my word. I’ve been to the southern border countless times. I’ve pick up mountains of trash and used needles discarded on the ground by these lawbreakers. This soon will be what our national parks will become.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Check out this very cool photo of a great looking billboard spotted on SR 101 in the West Valley! If you need help with a federal agency, please call my office, I can help.
Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our "Picture of the Week?" If so, send your best shots of our great state along with a brief description to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let's show her off!
Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:
Sputnik News: Congress Should Stop 'Wasting Money in Ukraine, Focus on US Needs' - Rep. Gosar
Catholic World Report: More Republicans hesitant on Ukraine funding as Zelensky talks to lawmakers, UN
Daily Caller: Not A Good Time’: Zelenskyy Gets Cold Reception On Capitol Hill As Support For Ukraine Funding Wanes
Sputnik: US May Be Supporting 'Neo-Nazis' by Aiding Ukraine - Congressman's Letter to Blinken and Austin
New York Post: Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts on the hot seat before Congress
New York Post: Biden secretly has let 221,456 migrants fly into the US in past year
New York Post: The tragic results of Biden’s deadly open borders policy
Evie Magazine: Male Crowned As Homecoming Queen At A Kansas City High School
Fox News: Thousands of Venezuelan migrants gather under Texas bridge as border numbers skyrocket
Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don’t vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.