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Representative Gosar Supports Legislation to Spur the Arizona Mining Economy

Today, U.S. Congressmen Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted in favor of the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act (H.R.4402), legislation that will allow the U.S. to more efficiently develop our Nation's strategic and critical minerals (i.e. rare earth elements and copper).

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                          July 12, 2012

CONTACT:                                                                                Apryl Marie Fogel

Representative Gosar Supports Legislation to Spur the Arizona Mining Economy

Today, U.S. Congressmen Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted in favor of the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act (H.R.4402), legislation that will allow the U.S. to more efficiently develop our Nation's strategic and critical minerals (i.e. rare earth elements and copper). H.R. 4402 passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support by a vote of 256 to 160.

Representative Gosar stated after the bill passed the House, "At a time when our nation is struggling with a shortage of natural resources and high wage jobs, this legislation is a win-win for all.  Excessive red tape has significantly limited domestic mining and sent jobs overseas.  No one feels this pain more than resource rich states like Arizona. The National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act streamlines the review process by eliminating unnecessary red tape allowing American's to get back to work and reducing U.S. dependence on foreign minerals.”          

                         To watch a video of Representative Gosar's Floor Statement click here                                  

The length, complexity and uncertainty of the permitting process is the primary reason investments in the mining of U.S. minerals are not being made.  In some instances, the necessary government authorizations are taking over 10 years to secure.  The National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act streamlines the permitting process for mineral development, while ensuring continued environmental protection.

Critical and strategic minerals are fundamental components of technologies and everyday items including computers, medical equipment, renewable energy sources, high-tech military equipment, manufacturing materials, and common household products.  Currently, America is nearly 100 percent dependent on foreign countries like China for rare earth elements and other critical and strategic materials that are vital components to America’s manufacturing sector.

Congressman Gosar was the first cosponsor of the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act. He worked closely with the primary sponsor Rep. Mark Amodei of Nevada to navigate the bill through the legislative proces.

