Week of 9.28.18

Members Participate in House Natural Resources Committee Hearing on the Western Caucus' ESA Modernization Package
Last Wednesday, the House Committee on Natural Resources conducted a full committee hearing on the bipartisan Western Caucus Endangered Species Act (ESA) Modernization Package which contains nine bills.

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Natural Resources Committee Passes Caucus’ Endangered Species Act Modernization Bills Through Committee
Last Thursday, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed four bills in the bipartisan Western Caucus ESA Modernization Package. The Endangered Species Act is 45 years old and has a 3 percent recovery rate. It is far past time that we bring the ESA into the 21st Century.

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Western Caucus Members Weigh In On Need for Proactive Forest Management 
Last Wednesday, Western Caucus Member Greg Gianforte (MT-At Large) organized a special order in which several members of the Western Caucus spoke about this year's wildfire season. Rep. Gianforte (MT-At Large), Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and Members John Curtis (UT-03) and Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-05) gave remarks regarding the importance of including a strong forestry title in the House Farm Bill and implementing new active management policies.

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Department of Interior Unveils Region Wide Proposal for Oil and Gas Lease Sales in the Gulf of Mexico 
Last Tuesday, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it is offering 78 million acres for a region-wide lease sale scheduled for March 2019. The sale will include all available unleased areas in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 

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