On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing entitled, “Fast and Furious: Six Years Later” and released its report documenting the unconscionable barriers implemented by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to prevent Congress and the Terry family from receiving answers to the questions they have on this misguided operation.

I submitted a number of questions for the witnesses – who included Josephine Terry, mother of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry; Robert Heyer, spokesman for the Terry Family; and Special Agent John Dodson, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms whistleblower who brought this operation to light – asking for their perspective on whether those responsible for the death of Agent Brian Terry had been held accountable. My submitted questions can be viewed HERE.

It is incomprehensible that Mrs. Terry still does not have answers to the questions surrounding her son’s murder on the border over six years ago.  The lack of cooperation and downright obstruction by DOJ are egregious.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder and his cronies need to be held accountable for their role in this tragedy.

We must uphold the rule of law.

From the report released this week, it is evident that – from the top down – DOJ wasn’t concerned with bringing the truth to light.  Rather, the former Attorney General was more interested in dodging the Terry family and spinning the press than objectively gathering facts or respecting the process of Congressional oversight.

I will continue to fight for the justice that the Terry family so rightfully deserves.


This week, the House passed H.R. 10, the Financial CHOICE Act. This legislation reins in the burdensome regulations of the Dodd-Frank Act and allows community banks to better serve the needs of the everyday American. It also protects consumers by increasing accountability and transparency across the financial sector. I was proud to vote in favor of this much needed bill and here’s why:
  • It levels the playing field and allows smaller and larger banks to be more equal by fostering more competition.
  • It eliminates the “too big to fail” bank bailout protections.
  • It increases the punishments for fraud and increases oversight.
  • It decreases the deficit by $24 billion.
  • It provides relief to Main Street America.

It’s time that America stops paying for Obama’s failed policies. The Financial CHOICE Act is the right choice for Americans.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul A. Gosar D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in response to the delay of the October 2015 Ozone Rule promulgated by the Obama Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

“When pristine national parks like the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and Rocky Mountain are in danger of being in nonattainment under the proposed Obama standard, there is a serious problem with the numbers,” said Chairman Gosar. “I am glad to see common sense finally prevail at the EPA with the announcement that the agency is postponing and reevaluating the job-killing Ozone Rule promulgated by President Obama and former Administrator Gina McCarthy. By delaying this out-of-touch standard, the EPA can fully consider what levels of ozone occur organically, the amount of background ozone from international sources and the impacts of exceptional events. The currently proposed 70 parts per billion standard is unattainable for numerous counties throughout the country. Furthermore, it is not based on sound science and would absolutely decimate states, killing tens of thousands of jobs and costing our economy tens of billions of dollars annually.”

You can read the full release from the Congressional Western Caucus HERE.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul A. Gosar D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in response to Department of the Interior Secretary Zinke’s Order calling for a 60-day review of Greater Sage-Grouse policies:

“I applaud Secretary Zinke for making Sage-Grouse management reform a priority and taking action to ensure coordination with local stakeholders on federal land management policies, something the Obama Administration failed to grasp. Western Caucus members look forward to working with the Secretary and working group as the Sage-Grouse review moves forward,” said Chairman Gosar. “The Department should unwind overly restrictive and job-killing changes to land use plans made by the Obama Administration. Additionally, less than 0.1% of actual sage grouse habitat exists in the proposed 10 million acre withdrawal area. This political attack on affordable American energy is not based on science and should be completely scrapped as a result. It’s high time for the misguided and out-of-touch Obama Sage-Grouse management plans to fly the coop."

You can read the full release from the Congressional Western Caucus HERE

As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( on Twitter @RepGosar, through Facebook at Rep. Paul Gosar or on Instagram at RepGosar.
Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
Member of Congress