FOR WEDNESDAY, February 27th

CONTACT: Emilio Navarrete


Western Caucus Green New Deal Forum and Press Conference | Wednesday, February 27th | Legislative Forum 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Longworth 1300 HOB | Press Conference 4:00-4:15 p.m. House Triangle

  • Members and outside groups will provide short testimony as well as engage in Q&A at the Forum (~5 minutes) and provide short comments (~1 minute) at the Press Conference.

The forum will be live-streamed on our website and the press conference will be live-streamed on our Facebook page.    

Goals of the Policy Forum

This important Policy Forum and first in-depth public review of the Green New Deal (GND) by Congress will closely examine this proposal in order to gain a better understanding of its details and likely impacts.

Witnesses and participants will discuss how a transition of this magnitude might occur, analyze how the proposal will be paid for and the estimated costs, and review the overall feasibility of and opportunities associated with the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal’s impacts on jobs, society, the environment, the economy, as well as on our agriculture, energy and transportation sectors will also be considered.  

All members of the Western Caucus, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and all cosponsors of H.Res.109, as well as outside organizations on both sides of this issue have been invited to provide a witness for testimony or participate in the Forum (Witness list below).

Witnesses and Potential Witnesses

  • Michael Zehr, Federal Policy Advisor, Consumer Energy Alliance (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Myron Ebell, Director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy, Competitive Enterprise Institute (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Katie Tubb, Policy Analyst for energy and environmental issues, Heritage Foundation (Testimony)
  • Rick Manning, President, Americans for Limited Government (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Mandy Gunasekara, Founder & President, Energy 45 Fund (Confirmed) (Testimony)

  • Marc Morano, Director of Communication, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Dr. David Legates, Professor of Climatology, University of Delaware (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Thomas Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance (Confirmed) (Testimony)
  • Bill Imbergamo, Federal Forest Resource Coalition (Confirmed)
  • Laborers' International Union of North America (Declined Invite) (Directed to Previous Statement)
  • Demond Drummer, Co-founder and Executive Director of New Consensus (Invited)

  • Sierra Club (Declined Invite)
  • Sunrise Movement (Invited)
  • Paul Krugman (Invited)

More information about the forum including a detailed memo and witness testimonies will be posted here.


As always, you can follow everything Western Caucus on our Website, TwitterFacebook and Instagram.