PRESCOTT, AZ - In response to Mr. Biden’s catastrophic abandonment of Afghanistan and complete incompetence from his military strategy that stranded American citizens residing in Afghanistan, Congressman Gosar issued the following statement demanding answers from Mr. Biden about his plans to safely bring Americans home from Afghanistan.
“1. What is the total number of Americans the Biden administration has abandoned in Afghanistan?
2. What is the Biden administration’s plan to safely evacuate all Americans living in Afghanistan and how long will it take?
3. Why did the Biden administration not prioritize the evacuation of American citizens from Afghanistan before drawing down American soldiers who could have remained there to ensure their safe departure?
4. Will the Biden administration pledge that American citizens now in danger residing in Afghanistan be prioritized over other potential evacuees, including non-citizens?
I supported President Trump and Mr. Biden’s decision to get American troops out of the failed 20-year war in Afghanistan. That war started with lies from the State Department and ends with State Department incompetence.
But the method to achieve the withdrawal implemented by Mr. Biden and his woke generals is absurd and the world looks at the United States as weak and ineffective as well as unreliable. China has certainly noticed.
I don’t support abandoning the countless number of Americans, including civilians and contractors, living there. This is a catastrophe. Mr. Biden should have had a plan in place months ago to safely transfer all Americans from Afghanistan long before our troops left,” concluded Congressman Gosar.