The U.S. Congressional High School Art Competition is held each spring and I am proud that Arizona's fourth district had so much participation. This year there were 95 entries submitted from high school students across the district.

This event gives a chance for thousands of high school students nationwide to demonstrate their incredible artistic skills.

Now, you too can participate! I need everyone’s help deciding the People’s Choice winner that will be displayed in one of my district offices for the year.

Click HERE to view all of the entries and vote for your favorite to be my People's Choice winner.

Voting will continue until noon (MST) on Thursday April 27th. The winner will be announced in the following weekend’s e-newsletter and on my Facebook and Twitter pages.

I am confident that you will all pick a great winner from the vast collection of impressive entries.

Pictured below are finalists from previous years.

As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( on Twitter @RepGosar, through Facebook at Rep. Paul Gosar or on Instagram at RepGosar.
Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
Member of Congress