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Immigration and Border Security

The federal government’s failure to enforce the rule of law and secure the border are some of the most pressing national security risks facing our country.  No one knows this better than the people of Arizona, who have to deal with these problems on a daily basis.  The Obama and Biden Adminstrations' unwillingness to uphold the laws of this land has led to large scale illegal immigration, and has inflicted social costs, economic losses, unemployment and crime on U.S. citizens.  There is an immigration crisis in the United States, and that crisis is a failure to secure our border and enforce our laws.  Because of Joe Biden's open border policies, more than 10 million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border and another two million, known as "gotaways" have never been stopped. 

It is true that the United States is a nation of immigrants.  But more importantly, the United States is a nation of laws.  The Rule of Law, in addition to the God-given rights protected by our Constitution, is perhaps the main attraction for those who wish to immigrate to our great country.  Having said that, I want to be absolutely clear: I oppose the efforts to grant any sort of amnesty by executive fiat, and I oppose any efforts in Congress to grant amnesty to those who have broken our laws.  To do so would be a slap in the face to the millions of people who have respected our immigration process and have waited their turn to come to this country.  The executive branch must enforce the laws on the books with equal application and without executive orders that undermine those very laws.  But it must also verifiably secure the border with personnel, technology, and weaponry, if necessary.  The actions and flawed policies of the Biden administration have violated the first and foremost role of the federal government, to defend our homeland and protect our citizens.

Biden's egregious and unconstitutional executive orders have created a dangerous precedent for lawlessness.  Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of our Constitution gives Congress clear jurisdiction on immigration matters.  I have consistently supported and introduced legislation to enforce the laws on our books and crack down on illegal immigration.  For my leadership and action on these issues, I have a career grade of “A+” with the immigration enforcement advocacy group NumbersUSA and a career 100% rating with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). I will continue my efforts to secure the border,  fight Biden's open border policies and demand a return to the rule of law.